“Nathaniel Van Denend is fasting from Facebook. See you when the Son comes up.”
Bright Hope for Tomorrow
Eavesdropping on today’s young church leadersRecently The Banner asked Rev. Ken Baker and Rev.
Failure to Create Safe Churches
“How We Fail to Create Safe Churches” (IMHO, May 2009) suggests that churches and cou
We have a son, Mark, who is gay and was a confessing member of the Christian Reformed Church.
It is early yet,
only the first inning,
and he stands so tall and sure.
He’s a lefty
with confident eyes,
and he wAs an impoverished college student I gratefully accepted my Dad’s hand-me-downs. He gave me his coat.
If reading is to do anything, it is to delight us and to enlarge us.
More than 20 years of patient work, coupled with some timely interventions by God, have led to the blossoming of the Christian Reformed C
As a campus pastor at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, Ed Laarman faces a daunting challenge: how to introduce the gospel to students
Being born female shouldn’t mean having less access to healthcare, education, or safety.
Félix and Adela had been hearing for weeks about a big rally planned for Bangui in the Central African Republic and wondered what
April showers, May flowers, June synods.
Josh Kuipers, a junior majoring in religion, anthropology, and Kiswahili at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Mich., had not considered a c
When Synod 2009 convenes near Chicago in mid-June, the usual number of delegates will be in attendance, but there will be some changes am
A 38-member work crew from Second Christian Reformed Church in Byron Center, Mich., spent spring break in Waveland, Miss., cleaning up da
“What will you tell your grandchildren you did during the genocide in Darfur?”
In March, 100 teens from Lynden, Wash., hosted 50 inner-city Seattle teens for a weekend that included worship, paintball games, four-whe
Only the buzzing of overhead lights disturbed the hush when 834 women listened to Debbie Mayer tell of losing three daughters in a traffi
Eight members of River Terrace Christian Reformed Church in East Lansing, Mich., recently traveled to Nigeria to learn about the Nigerian
When the saints came marching in to Raybrook Chapel at Holland Home in Grand Rapids, Mich., they were dressed for the occasion.
The Board of Trustees of the Christian Reformed Church met at the end of April with a full agenda.
Is decision-making in the Christian Reformed Church being concentrated in the office of the executive director in the cause of efficiency