A community garden in Jenison, Mich., is a living sermon for Kara Kaluske.
Furniture delivery volunteers from Covenant Christian Reformed Church in Cutlerville, Mich., often meet people who own just a suitcase an
Sunday school kids from Cragmor Christian Reformed Church have gone into the farm business—big-time.
For years students from local middle and high schools hung out after school on the back steps of Pleasant Street Christian Reformed Churc
A cross-border ministry is matching seminary students in Mexico with Spanish-speaking prisoners in the U.S.
Lucas Christian Reformed Church in McBain, Mich., celebrated its 125th anniversary recently.
The denomination’s budget and many reports and issues related to synod dominated the agenda of a recent meeting of the Board of Tru
“But I’m always going to have a car payment!â€
“It will take thirty years to pay off my house!â€
Every January you can find a group of dedicated volunteers from DeMotte, Ind., somewhere in Central America, building something.
Madison Humphrey was one of many happy second-graders who helped celebrate the 125th anniversary of Roseland Christian School with a coat
Members of Sanostee, N.M., Christian Reformed Church have to drive a lot of extra miles for their nursing home ministry.
The Presbyterian Church (USA) has tapped a 13-member committee to investigate the place same-sex unions should have in Christianity and w
Digital podcasts and streaming video might bring Christian audiences inspirational messages in the future, but they aren’t bringing
A Hispanic Christian group plans to hold monthly prayer vigils on Capitol Hill in hopes of pushing the U.S.
Leaders of a Congregational church in Cleveland, Ohio, say they will not sign marriage licenses until gay and lesbian couples are allowed
The Christian Reformed Church of Australia (CRCA) has many congregations in the Melbourne area, where wildfires burned out of control the
Where is God in a world filled with such unspeakable pain?
Banner pals Carol Smith from Modesto, Calif., and Sandy Santjer from Rapid City, South Dakota, are still handwriting letters to each othe
Sarah Thomas, a member of New Life CRC in Red Deer, Alberta, and her friend Hannah Muzsik are working hard to put cancer to rest.
Creation is full of sounds.
John Ortberg told this one when he spoke at Calvin College's 2009 January Series:
Can a Christian Really be a Psychologist?
Misconceptions not only prevent believers in Christ from entering the profession, but also from receiving needed help.As I read through a stack of essays, one caught my eye.
At a recent conference I was part of a panel of pastors who were talking about the realities of being a pastor. OK, let's face it&md
A clear soprano voice drifts down the narrow street into the gourmet sweet shop where I'm browsing among nut clusters, dark fudge, and fa