Community and state leaders have responded to a Choose Kind → Spread Kind initiative created by students of Allendale (Mich.) Christian School.
Passed by the U.S. House of Representatives on Feb. 25, the Equality Act aims to provide protection against discrimation for LGBTQ people, but many seek more clarity for protection of religious freedom within the anti-discrimination bill. The Equality Act is now before the Senate.
Each book in this series for 8- to 14-year-olds tells a terrifying and thrilling story from history through the eyes of a kid who lived to tell the tale.
An experienced cop and a hotshot investigator track a serial killer in 1990s-era L.A.
A CRC pastor invites readers to not only read each psalm but also to grasp the backstory, context, and meaning, allowing them to engage deeply with the psalmist.
A Christian concerned with social justice is often seen as a “bleeding heart,” for compassion is considered a soft thing compared to the “strong” virtues of fairness, obedience, or lawfulness.
The Vatican’s orthodoxy office, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, issued a formal response Monday to a question about whether Catholic clergy can bless gay unions. They cannot.
Years in the making, the program launched in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic in the fall of 2020 as students tuned in online.
A podcast by Mike Donehey, founding member of the Christian band Tenth Avenue North, looks for God and joy in unexpected places.
First comes the circle. Then the square and the triangle. Then the ... emu pushing a pancake wagon down a hill?
The sixth studio album from Tiger Moth Tales changes direction from prog instrumentation to grand piano, vocals, and a string quartet.
One of the most fascinating and helpful aspects of the book is how Sherrill connects each type to a biblical character, for better or for worse.
A poem of suffering.
A Christian Reformed elder from largely Muslim Iran reflects on how Persian poets such as Rumi have woven Jesus Christ into their art.
It is not unusual for me to hear someone say, “I’m struggling with finding time to be alone with God in prayer.”
Many Indigenous people across this continent use the spirit of the eagle in ceremonies and feel the eagle feather has special spiritual healing powers.
Does the Christian Reformed Church recommend that when a pastor of long-standing service in her or his congregation retires, that she or he mentor the incoming pastor for a period of time?
Luis Palau, a Christian evangelist known for his CityFest evangelistic festivals, died March 11. He was 86.
A contemplative Christian look at the journey of depression.
A local hunter brings a grieving lawyer back from the brink of death after she retreats to the harsh wilderness of the Rockies.
An eight-week Bible study on the significance of the seven feasts found in Leviticus 23.
Wheel House Cafe, operating in the covered front entrance of Christ Church of Davis in California, is a simple idea: offer “good coffee, good connections, as well as teaching young people employable skills along the way.”
Coopersville (Mich.) Christian Reformed Church marked 100 years of ministry in October 2020.
Beth Moore, prolific Bible study author and teacher, recently ended her longtime publishing partnership with Nashville-based LifeWay Christian. In an interview with Religion 㽶Ƶ Service she said she and other concerned Southern Baptists see behavior in their denomination “not in step with the gospel.”