Ronne Rock takes you on a global adventure to discover your divine design as a woman of influence and impact.
One of the things God designed trees to do is to affect the ground in different ways.
“For the sake of future siblings and the comfort of your family, place George in an institution and forget you ever had him.”
The students at Unity Christian School in Chilliwack, B.C., are committed to being good stewards of God’s creation.
Hearts Exchanged is a learning and action journey that equips Reformed Christians to engage with Indigenous peoples as neighbors in ways that grow trust and transformation.
Spurred by noticing the many ways users have connected over Facebook during the COVID-19 pandemic, the company is testing a new prayer post feature.
Moriah and Joel Smallbone dig deep into their story for truths that have guided them through their career, marriage and creative endeavors.
A busy boy and his dog learn to slow down and enjoy life together in this lyrical, rhyming picture book perfect for hurried families everywhere.
An eight-song EP from North Point Worship features elevating, joyful worship music.
우리의 말을 통해서 우리가 하나님의 형상으로 창조된 사람들을 축소시키고 우리 마음 속에서 조롱의 대상으로 삼을 때, 우리는 그들을 사람보다 못한 존재로 만드는 것입니다
After 54 years of zestful living, the remainder of my brother’s life was now defined by this sentence.
Taking up my cross means accepting all the pain and injustice and misery life imposes on me as I attempt to be a faithful follower of Jesus.
These days, most Christians seem to have learned how to argue from Twitter rather than Scripture. That’s a problem.
U.S. law generally allows for the ownership of firearms for purposes of self-defense (much less so in Canada). Whether we as Christians should exercise that right is a harder question.
A big man with a powerful voice, Henry Katerberg was also gentle, honest, and sociable. He died April 4 at age 84.
What constitutes heresy? That’s a question addressed in a report to the Christian Reformed Church’s synod. Included in the Agenda for Synod 2020, the report has yet to be received, but it’s referenced in a formal request to Synod 2021.
Susan LaClear, new director of the Christian Reformed Church’s Candidacy Committee, started April 5. Previous director David Koll will retire at the end of June.
Biblical womanhood isn't biblical, says Baylor University historian Beth Allison Barr. It arose from a series of clearly definable historical moments.
Mixed Media editor reviews three 2021 Oscar-nominated Movies
Written as a sequel, To Be Reborn records a second decade in the life of Nicaragua's Nehemiah Center.
Some think we have double standards or even some sort of reverse discrimination. The real reason, however, is a lot more innocuous.
Even for us today, the darkness of Christ crucified remains mystifying. In the cross, God no longer makes sense to us.
Whether it be age, ethnicity, culture, language, church model, how people connect to God in worship, or something else, it can be hard for people to find the right church fit.
The crash left Jenica with several life-threatening injuries, including severe head trauma. She remembers nothing of the several months that followed.