While many good books come our way, we don’t have room or time to review every one of them. Here are a few that did not get reviewed but might still be of interest to our readers.
by G. Duane Nieuwsma
What do the Old Testament stories tell us about God? How can those stories inform our lives today? CRC pastor Duane Nieuwsma looks beyond our tendency to turn character’s lives into morals for our own, and instead looks toward the ways God reveals himself to us. (Christian Leaders Press)
, by Carol J. Rottman
Author Carol Rottman offers an honest, bittersweet account of life, both physical and spiritual, with her husband Fritz as Alzheimer’s, cancer, and death overtook him. Friends and family of those going through similar trials will better understand the journey after reading this book, and those who have been through it may find solace in her gracious company. (Principia Media)
, by Donald G. DeGraaf
This book was written for students and adults who will be spending a significant period of time living in another country. DeGraaf provides a way to consider and examine what they hope for and what they will find. The book is intended to “help students become pilgrims rather than tourists.” (Calvin College Press)
, by Chuck DeGroat
Therapist and pastor Chuck DeGroat examines the root of the common frustration stemming from the feeling that there is too much to do and too little time to do it. His book suggests ways to bring wholeness and healing to life, including questions and exercises to help readers on the path. (Eerdmans)
About the Author
Kristy Quist is Tuned In editor for The Banner and a member of Neland Ave. CRC in Grand Rapids, Mich.