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Lots of books come through the Banner office, and we can’t review them all. But once in a while we like to point out some of the titles that catch our eye or authors who have a CRC connection. Here are some recent arrivals.

, by Mike Vanden Bosch
Vanden Bosch mixes poetry from earlier times in his life with more recent verse, including reflections on the farm life of his childhood, World War II, and spiritual themes. (Dordt Press)

, edited by James D. Bratt and Ronald A. Wells
An anthology of articles, editorials, and reviews from 40 years of The Reformed Journal, including pieces by Nicholas Wolterstorff, Richard J. Mouw, Lewis B. Smedes, and Stanley Hauerwas, among many others. (Eerdmans)

, by Allen Verhey
Ethicist Allen Verhey explores the way the Bible describes Jesus’ death to form a Christian perspective on death and dying. (Eerdmans)

, by Daniel Boerman
Author Daniel Boerman grew up on his father’s small farm. His memoir details his childhood and the way that God shaped him in hopes of inspiring readers to look at their own lives with fresh eyes. (WinePress Publishing)

by Robert Sikkenga
Inspired by his travels in the holy land, retired teacher Robert Sikkenga has written a retelling of the story of Ruth, giving a different perspective on the tale. (VBW Publishing)

Voices of Redemption, by Monica Ruth Brands and Bethany Eizenga
Roseland Christian Ministries (RCM) of Chicago, Ill., has seen its share of inspiring testimonies. Recent Trinity Christian College grads Brands and Eizenga interviewed members of the community as part of an internship; this collection makes the interviews available to a wider audience. To order, contact the Bootsma Bookstore at Trinity Christian College: 708-239-4702.

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