For the past six months, Indonesian youth in North Sumatra and West Kalimantan have been studying and discussing the Bible.
Teachers using Indonesian children’s devotionals produced by (BTGMI) are helping students learn what it means to follow Jesus.
Delima works as a coordinator for a welfare community in North Sumatra. She is passionate about mentoring young people. During a visit in May, the BTGMI Indonesian team learned that she regularly met with a group of five to10 primary school students in her home to assist with homework and share Bible stories.
Reverend Lukas Banne, the listener community coordinator for BTGMI Indonesian outreach, says, “Since that visit, we have routinely sent Delima copies of our Kiddy devotional booklets.” Kiddy is a daily devotional for young children, available online and in print.
“We are thankful to report that the group has grown,” Banne added. “Now there are about 35 children who come together every week.”
While Delima is mentoring youth on the island of Sumatra, Mr. Robin T. is reaching junior high-aged youth in West Kalimantan.
Robin, a Christian religion teacher at a middle school, works with 85 students. Ten of his students are Christians, while the others practice Confucianism.
The BTGMI Indonesian ministry team met Robin in September of last year and discovered his need for Christian resources to share with his students.
“Starting in October, we’ve sent 85 copies of our Teens for Christ devotional booklets for religious study materials,” says Banne. In addition to the devotional, the team is also working to send Bibles, since they currently only have the New Testament.
Robin asks his students to take notes while reading Teens for Christ and their Bibles every day. They continue to have weekly discussions in class about their faith-based discoveries.
Please pray that God will use these opportunities to open the hearts of these Indonesian youth so they will know Jesus and accept Him as their Savior.
Creating Lifelong Followers of Jesus
Scott is a dad who recently wrote to Kids Corner, the children's outreach of . He and his family live in Texas, where they attend church regularly, send their son to the local Christian school, and raise him in a Christian home.
Like many Christian parents, Scott aims to engage his family in faith and biblical understanding through every aspect of life.
Driving to work one Saturday morning, Scott found the Kids Corner broadcast while scanning his radio. He came home and immediately shared the Bible program with his seven-year-old son.
“We introduced our son to the Kids Corner online episodes before bedtime,” Scott wrote.
Kids Corner is produced by Reframe Media, BTGMI English outreach.
“Kids Corner tells stories of individuals who are trying to find their role within God's story,” explains Ron VandenBurg, Kids Corner producer. “Children and families hear the fun adventures of characters who are living within God's story, applying biblical truths, failing and stumbling, but still finding ways to serve God and serve each other.”
Since incorporating the program into their daily routine, Scott’s family has been touched by its message. He testifies, “It is a blessing to our family to have Kids Corner stories reinforcing what our son learns in school, church, and at home. I am confident the stories have had a good influence on our son.”
“A lot of media choices are out there,” acknowledges VandenBurg, but this program is different. He continues, “Kids Corner stories, along with KC family resources, give families important moments to talk about how to live out God's story.”
As a result of listening to Kids Corner, young Christians, like Scott’s son, are developing a lifelong relationship with Jesus. Learn more at .
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