In a display of young and growing faith, 9-year-old Chandler brought a song from one of his favorite podcasts, Liz and Friends, to his church service at Island Wesleyan Church in Hampton, Prince Edward Island.
A dedicated listener to for about a year, Chandler surprised the worship team by asking to sing “Who You Are,” a song from the podcast about being created in God’s image.
"Chandler really likes music, so the fact that there are songs incorporated into the podcast has given Chandler even more reason to share the podcast with others," Chandler’s father, Jonathan, said. Liz and Friends is a staple in the family’s routine, entertaining Chandler and nurturing his growing faith with its engaging stories and music.
The podcast is part of , the children’s ministry of . ReFrame produces faith formation media for the Christian Reformed Church. After Chandler’s request to the church, Jonathan sought permission from ReFrame to use the song.
“We are happy to accommodate these requests,” said Ron VandenBurg, Kids Corner’s producer. “It’s just one way that we are helping young people share their faith in a way that’s meaningful to them.”
ReFrame even with music for Chandler’s church to use in its Father’s Day service, when Chandler introduced the song before the congregation sang it together.
Beyond his passion for music and podcasts, Chandler enjoys activities such as LEGO building, mountain biking, rock climbing, snowboarding, and solving Rubik's Cubes.
“Chandler’s interests reflect the curious and active spirit that we see in our fans at Kids Corner,” VandenBurg said.
Chandler's story highlights the profound impact children’s programming like Liz and Friends can have on a child's spiritual and personal development. Through simple gestures like sharing a favorite song, Chandler can inspire others in the Island Wesleyan Church community to embrace faith with joy and creativity.
“As Chandler continues to grow in his faith and explore his interests,” VandenBurg said, “his story serves as a reminder of the power of Kids Corner in shaping young minds and nurturing spiritual growth in unexpected, delightful ways.”
About the Author
Brian Clark, ReFrame Ministries