In September of last year, prison chaplain Susan Cleveland donated a kidney to Buddi Subba, a former refugee from Nepal and a recently naturalized U.S. citizen, at a hospital in Grand Rapids, Mich.
Stories from people, congregations and ministries of the CRCNA, reported by The Banner's news editor and a team of regular correspondents and Church Worldwide news from the Religion 㽶Ƶ Service. Send news tips to
The city of Toronto, Ont., is well known for hosting the famed Toronto International Film Festival.
As the American pilgrims approached Wartburg Castle, they let their imagination rewind five centuries to the night when Martin Luther was “kidnapped” by masked horsemen and hustled deep into the forest.
On September 30 and October 1, First Navajo Christian Reformed Church in Tohatchi, N.M., celebrated more than a century of ministry with a two-day celebration, concluded and climaxed at worship that Sunday with a sanctuary full of neighbors and old friends.
Twenty years ago, men gathered as “Promise Keepers” and filled the National Mall for a prayer rally seeking repentance and spiritual revival. On October 9, it was the women’s turn.
As the nation reels from the latest mass shooting, religious and secular leaders are offering prayers, and some are calling for stronger action on gun control in light of the deaths of dozens and wounding of hundreds in Las Vegas.
Ebenezer Christian Reformed Church in Berwyn, Ill., celebrated its 150th anniversary in 2017 with three events, culminating in a Saturday night gala last weekend.
A documentary confronting the epidemic of online pornography addiction...
OOn September 19, Rev. Esteban Lugo, former director of the Christian Reformed Church’s Office of Race Relations, was released from the ministry in the status of one deposed by Classis Grand Rapids South.
It’s not hard to see that the loss of engaged young adults in local churches is a worrying trend
Tran and one of his brothers came to Canada in 1985, leaving a Hong Kong refugee camp
Once a month on a Sunday afternoon, Elmhust (Ill.) Christian Reformed Church welcomes a growing group of women to its Single Mothers Support Group.
Parents who have had children through in vitro fertilization
It is an unlikely venue for a hymn sing,
For the ninth consecutive year, the worship center at ,
When Destination Christian Reformed Church opens its doors to the community for a meal each Thursday evening,
How are farmers and communities making use of the support made available by the Canadian Foodgrains Bank
The future of religion in America is young, non-Christian, and technicolor.
huge arts project made possible when the church received a Vital Worship Grant
caring for people who are homeless goes beyond providing a hot meal
Synod 2017, the general assembly of the Christian Reformed Church, is a few months past.
Lacombe is a city in central Alberta with a population of just over 13,000.
The members visited two “care point” sites in Ethiopia
From Protestant preachers to Jewish cantors to Catholic nuns,