Some Christian colleges and universities are reporting record enrollment this past term, despite delivering education in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Stories from people, congregations and ministries of the CRCNA, reported by The Banner's news editor and a team of regular correspondents and Church Worldwide news from the Religion 㽶Ƶ Service. Send news tips to
This October the Christian Reformed Church’s Council of Delegates endorsed a definition of church planting and the implementation of three church-planting strategies proposed by the Collaborative Church Planters Team. Church planters say it’s a good step.
In Ontario and in British Columbia, Friendship Ministry groups—those designed to bring friendship to adults of varying abilities—have made special connections despite pandemic gathering restrictions.
Youth Unlimited, the North American mission organization best known for SERVE trips, changed its name in September.
Last week the Christian Reformed Church's Canadian Ministries director, Darren Roorda, and restructuring consultant, Chris Bosch, hosted online town hall sessions to share a current draft of Canadian ministry priorities and offer clarification on the restructuring process.
Pastor, writer, and founder of Mission India, John De Vries died Oct. 25.
The report of the Christian Reformed Church's Committee to Articulate a Foundation-Laying Biblical Theology of Human Sexuality affirms the denomination’s historical position on homosexuality and offers scriptural and pastoral guidance on a range of sexual matters.
A task force studying bivocationality—pastors holding two jobs—within the Christian Reformed Church has released its report. It recommends changes to Church Order and greater support for this growing sector of pastors.
A denominational task force appointed by Synod 2019 to consider whether Christians may marry “in the eyes of the church but not in the eyes of the state” recommends against it.
The Gathering Place, a community outreach founded by three Thunder Bay, Ont., Christian Reformed congregations 35 years ago, continues to serve the community, with some adaptations to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Prompted by COVID-19 to worship outdoors or online, churches are seeing God move in new spaces. A pastor in New York City and in Grimsby, Ont., shared experiences with The Banner.
Heartland Fellowship Christian Reformed Church in Chilliwack, B.C., helped to build a community trail system five years ago. Continuing community partnerships are now deepening relationships to protect community health.
Christian Reformed Church members, in Iowa, Michigan, and Montana, won seats in the U.S. election November 3.
On Thanksgiving, the Elgersma family from Community Church of Richmond Hill, Ont., helped to make a longstanding community dinner tradition ‘to-go’ for 2020. The outreach will now continue as a monthly meal-making event.
Global Coffee Break, a small group Bible study ministry, turned 50 in 2020 but the coronavirus pandemic put the celebration of that milestone on hold.
Baldwin (Wisc.) Christian Reformed Church increased its involvement in the annual Operation Christmas Child shoebox gift program this year by hosting a local workshop for other interested churches.
Pease (Minn.) Christian Reformed Church marked 125 years of ministry in 2020, choosing the theme “Building with Faith, Laboring with Love, and Inspiring with Hope.”
Harvey Stob, a missionary to Argentina and pastor to three U.S. Christian Reformed Churches, died Sept. 25.
After almost a decade serving as director of the Christian Reformed Church’s Safe Church Ministry, Bonnie Nicholas is retiring in November.
One hundred years ago, on Oct. 30, 1920, the Christian Reformed Church’s first missionaries to China left by ship from San Francisco.
A partnership between River City Church, a Christian Reformed congregation in Cambridge, Ont., and Trinity Centres Foundation, a group that funds and operates transformation projects, is reclaiming a historic church building.
Several reports received by the CRC’s Council of Delegates at its October meeting noted concerns of tension, stress, and struggle for pastors. The Banner talked to staff of the Pastor Church Resources ministry to find out where there is help.
A pastor and professor committed to a Kingdom-focused world-and-life view that proclaims the Lordship of Jesus Christ in every sphere of life, John Vander Stelt died Sept. 19.
In Prince Edward Island, public health standards have asked for gatherings of 50 or fewer. Charlottetown Christian Reformed Church decided to host satellite sites so their entire congregation can worship in distanced groups each Sunday.