The board for the Washington Elementary School District recently voted to not renew a student teaching partnership with Arizona Christian University, saying the university’s policies “do not align with our commitment to create a safe place for our LGBTQ+ students, staff, and community.”
Stories from people, congregations and ministries of the CRCNA, reported by The Banner's news editor and a team of regular correspondents and Church Worldwide news from the Religion 㽶Ƶ Service. Send news tips to
After 50 years of ordained ministry in Sri Lanka and U.S. churches, Neville Koch lived two-and-a-half years with Lewy Body Dementia and died Feb. 15, 2023. He was 78.
The first woman to be named majority leader in the Michigan State Senate, Winnie Brinks, is a member of the Christian Reformed Church.
An Education Department spokesperson said the more than 600 comments received on the matter will be reviewed before a final rule is issued.
While there are 32.5 million people classed as refugees worldwide, sponsors in Canada are waiting as many as three years from the time of application to welcoming expected newcomers.
At Lee Street Christian Reformed Church in Wyoming, Mich., English speakers and Spanish speakers spend 30 minutes together once a week to practice one another’s language.
A Christian Reformed Church worship survey in 2018 found that many more CRC congregations were celebrating specific liturgical seasons/days than they did in a previous worship survey 19 years earlier.
Genuine prayer and a willingness to follow God’s leading turned a Coffee Break Bible study leader into a Bible teacher for her own young-adult and now adult grandchildren, leading many to Christ.
Looking to understand more clearly the decisions of the Christian Reformed Church’s 2022 synod and hear details from the human sexuality report in their own language, leaders in the Ko-Am Classis invited theology professor Jeffrey Weima to present on the report.
The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada released a statement Feb. 21 affirming duty to care to those who are suffering and resolving “to ensure people with disability, chronic illness and mental health struggles are welcomed into full participation and belonging.”
The 13 days of continuous, spontaneous worship at Asbury University inspired an arena worship service not far from the school and similar services at other colleges.
The Southern Baptist Convention’s Executive Committee has deemed five congregations to be “not in friendly cooperation with the Convention” for having women serve in the role of pastor, against SBC teaching. The decision is appealable.
“Our neighbors see the value of Christians working together,” says one steering committee member of Better Together: A Third Way. He hopes all sides of the same-sex marriage issue inside the CRC would see the value of working together.
The Christian Reformed Church’s Council of Delegates finds the large-scale biannual events to be too costly and not popular enough to continue. Council voices in favor of the events urge CRC not to lose emphasis on relationship.
At its February meeting the Christian Reformed Church’s Council of Delegates endorsed an allocation of next year’s ministry shares with 29.5% going to congregational ministries, 27% to the CRC’s governance offices, 19.5 % to Resonate and so on.
The Council of Delegates of the Christian Reformed Church met by video conference Feb. 15-17.
Meeting separately Feb. 16, the boards that govern Christian Reformed Church ministry in the U.S. and in Canada heard reports, discussed nominees, and made plans for continued ministry work in each country.
The CRC’s Council of Delegates is recommending Synod 2023 appoint Resonate Global Mission’s current acting Canada director as the agency’s new director.
Part of the goal of the series, says the president of the group behind it, is to highlight the conservative theological stances of many Black Christians.
Filled with two freshly made meals and accompanying produce and dairy, Ebenezer Christian Reformed Church’s bi-weekly food boxes are meeting a need in its Trenton, Ont., community.
Cor Pool, known as a kind and compassionate person who loved sharing the love of Jesus, died Jan. 22. He was 71.
Students have packed the chapel and overflow spaces at Asbury University for nearly a week, holding round-the-clock prayer and worship.
The choir’s example has helped convince Kenyan churches to embrace Deaf culture.
Named for the popular author and retired pastor, Tim Keller, the new center with an inaugural class of 26 fellows hopes to help churches ‘close the back door; open the front door; and send out the equipped’ with the gospel.