The challenge for all of us who are in the church is to be honest about the planks in our own eyes rather than searching for everyone else’s specks. We need to stop idolizing an artificial ideal of purity that none of us can uphold and instead love our neighbors as ourselves.
Mixed Media
Reviews of books, movies, music, television, websites, and more, looking at the world of arts and entertainment from a Reformed perspective. To submit a review, click here.
Wolterstorff’s journey reveals a grace-filled life, a personal embodiment of shalom.
Switchfoot’s return brings a welcome positive and upbeat voice.
A witty and compelling novel for middle readers that will appeal to many adults as well.
David Bazan’s first album in 15 years under the name Pedro the Lion feels like a hopeful and nervous push toward permanence.
Find out what our reviewers thought of some of the Grammy-nominated albums.
TerKeurst explores the nature of life between two gardens: the garden of Eden and “Eden restored.”
Kondo addresses something that Christians living in North American abundance sometimes fail to consider—the things we own have an emotional and spiritual weight.
A balanced, biblical call to follow Jesus’ command to offer hospitality and to welcome the stranger among us.
Look here to find out more about award-winning books for children and young adults.
A sensitive portrayal of an 11-year-old girl who desperately loves her family yet wants to fit into the predominant American culture
Japanese director Hirokazu Kore-eda invites viewers into the lives of this “family” of shoplifters.
Banner reader George Kroeze submitted his review of this book about the science of determining the age of the Earth.
Dave Pittman offers a soulful, upbeat sound on his sophomore release, Different Kind of Love.
Roma is an intimate look at daily life and the often unnoticed people who make it happen.
This month PBS stations will be airing the documentary Backs against the Wall: The Howard Thurman Story, which tells the story of Thurman, the American theologian who deeply influenced the black church and Civil Rights Movement in the U.S.
Great picture books will help acquaint the children you love with heroes of black history.
In this thought-provoking novel, juvenile readers witness the trials and triumphs of a girl who chooses to do what is right, no matter the cost.
Are some people predisposed to kindness? Is kindness learned?
In sparse, rhyming verse, author Carole Boston Weatherford relates for children the story of John Newton’s life and why he wrote the renowned hymn “Amazing Grace.”
¶ŮłÜłľ±č±ôľ±˛Ô’ endears while it explores body image, loyalty, grief, and tricky mother-daughter relationships.
This picture book highlights the glory and goodness of God’s creation and the love Saint Francis poured out on all creatures.