A conservative interest group has filed a series of lawsuits against Walgreens after the drugstore chain fired four phar
A young preacher was conducting his first funeral service.
A riding horse named Gunner joined a group of goats, chickens, coyotes, and dogs who help children at Zuni (N.M.) Christian Mission Schoo
Christian Reformed Home Missions comes alongside your church to assist, to resource, to support, to partner.
The 2006 Academy Award-winning film Crash is one of the most profound and powerful films I’ve ever experienced.
Susan LaClear felt a strong sense of “coming home” last year when she stepped behind the pulpit of Maranatha Christian Reform
Now and then a little change is good.
A network of evangelical leaders has launched a campaign for government and grass-roots action to reduce global warming.
Can You Believe it?
At various times throughout the year, but especially in February and May, a select group of people gather in various places to attend to
A survey of Christian Reformed churches is the first step in an effort by the CRC to encourage and support the growing number of non-orda
When Wal-Mart opened a new store in Evergreen Park, Ill., it donated $35,000 to local charitable organizations, including $1,000 to Grace
This Easter, as they have for nearly 2,000 years, Christians will celebrate Jesus’ resurrection from the tomb.
After the 2004 tsunami devastated Sri Lanka, Marilyn Stremler read a quote from the president of a local relief agency, who said, “
Imagine looking through the roster of well-known guests who visit Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Mich., each year and inviting any of th
From Grace CRC, Welland, Ontario, to Candidate Ryan Braam.
I visited ours recently. Calvin Seminary. The present emphasis is on better preaching. Good! God is not boring!
Beacon of Hope, an AIDS awareness and care program connected to a large fellowship of churches in Nigeria, is among four organizations th
Every year Bart Huizinga and Taeke Dam of Sarnia, Ontario, gave their grandchildren money for Christmas.
1928 - 2005
While we were in the States recently someone asked us,“Why China?”
Reading the text of Creation
Health Issues
Race Against Time
by Stephen Lewis
Don’t worry, parent. Have no fear, librarian.