HOW ARE YOU? I am fine (better than last month). Is it cold up there at the North Pole? I bet you worry about global warming.
During World War II days, the Andrews Sisters made the Hit Parade with their song “Roll Out the Barrel” (. . .
When the Heidelberg Catechism first appeared in 1563, few would have guessed it was destined for greatness.
One fine day God told Moses to build a tabernacle—a house for God. God said, “Just build any old thing, Moses.
Gift-Giving Etiquette in the global village
Bread, Stone, or Snake?In 1987 we spent two weeks of cultural orientation living in an empty
hut in a Fulani village in Mali.I first arrived in the United States in October 1990.
If you've watched the hit movie The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, you may have noticed both the Disney and
It is a rare person who can focus on details without losing sight of the big picture.
English is a first language to more than 375 million people worldwide, and an additional 375 million people use it as a second language.
When Faith Alive Christian Resources rolled out its Questions Worth Asking catechism curriculum a few years back, churches cheered the st
Just months after she become the first graduate of Calvin Theological Seminary’s new online M.A.
A little girl lifted a pink plastic duck out of a tub of water as bystanders watched intently.
In 2002, the people of Djiliki, Niger, were struggling.
Often I find it's the little things in life that make a big difference.
WEARY OF MY MEAGER PRAYER LIFE, needing to know God in a new way, I signed up for an eight-day silent prayer retreat during a recent sabb
I hate the glitz and the busyness, the worries over spending too much, the cleaning, the hours spent in the kitchen trying to create the
Larry the Cucumber and Bob the Tomato of VeggieTales fame are in NBC’s Saturday-morning cartoon lineup, but many references to God
As the Presbyterian Church (USA) deals with the fallout from its June decision to loosen bans on gay clergy, battles are heating up over
Focus on the Family Targets Political Battlegrounds
Every year on the first Sunday of November, Loop Christian Ministries gives members an opportunity to commemorate loved ones who have die
A unique school project recently put Asher deGroot—a Dalhousie University student who attends All Nations Christian Reformed Church
Ruth Halma of Inwood (Iowa) Christian Reformed Church has turned her love for kids and dolls into a ministry.
Skiing, swimming, or sightseeing might fit into most families’ plans for summer vacation, but one family in Tualatin, Oregon, wante