When I think of the times of celebration or holidays, I think of family, friends, and a good meal together.
An intimate folk album invites us to grieve our own losses with Oregon singer Taylor Kopp.
An American Navy commander finds himself embroiled in the longest, largest, and most complex naval battle in history. Based on a true story.
A new middle grade novel from the author of Esperanza Rising involves a young boy and his family’s involvement in guiding fleeing immigrants to safety.
Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, while denying allegations against its founder, who died in May, said they’ve launched an "independent external investigation."
North Hills Christian Reformed Church in Troy, Mich., hosted a traveling art exhibit in September, showcasing work from participants of Crossroads Prison Ministry’s correspondence Bible study course.
Rolling Acres Christian Reformed Church in Mason City, Iowa, has a professional radio DJ among its members. Harry O has regular podcast chats with his pastor, Phil Boender, welcoming a different church member to the microphone each week.
What happens when it seems even pointless to pray because we know that healing probably won’t come?
When COVID-19 forced LaGrave Ave. Christian Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, Mich., to shut its doors to in-person worship back in March, church leaders made sure that all members would be able to participate in online services.
A young boy gets detained by ICE while crossing the border from Mexico to the United States in this searing middle-grade novel.
A bookish reboot, a Western, a summer reality hit, and two British dramas are made for binging.
Hope Community Church in Riverside, Calif., has been hosting parking lot worship services, with the help of an FM transmitter, in order to stay connected in person while maintaining a healthy distance.
An interview with Rudy Carrasco, contributor to the new book Uncommon Ground.
We live in a time when a healthy financial life is increasingly difficult, particularly for young people.
As we cry out to God to fix our broken world, communities, and systems, we can slip into the trap of starting to see people not as fellow image bearers, but as the opinions their group espouses.
A solo project from musician John Mitchell explores how grief is the price of love.
A poetic novel, reminiscent of both Dante's Inferno and Lost, examines themes of guilt, grief, grace, and forgiveness.
A slim collection of essays about the pandemic and racial reckoning by the author of White Teeth.
When the opened with only online learning for the first nine weeks of this academic year, First Christian Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, Mich., decided to support students in their community with an in-person daily homework club.
Bethel CRC and Wolf Creek Community Church, two Christian Reformed congregations in Lacombe, Alta., hosted a one-day immersive Bible story experience to replace their usual Vacation Bible School during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Like a scratched record album, her life is stuck on “repeat” and can only move forward when the needle is bumped, and we remind her of the events of the past.
I get my news mostly from social media, Facebook in particular. As we head into the U.S. elections, how do I know whom to trust?
Even in these difficult times, the faith of the older generation continues to light our way.
Dave Ramsey’s podcast inspires and equips its listeners to get out of debt.