In the beloved rhythms and rhyme of the classic poem ’Twas the Night Before Christmas, ’Twas the Morning of Easter tells the story of the resurrection of Jesus.
The time of COVID is challenging, but how we view our existence in it and how to structure our days is a spiritual discipline.
While Americans still believe in God, a growing number have dropped out of organized religion.
Cadillac (Mich.) Christian Reformed Church, Oak Harbor (Wash.) CRC, and churches in London, Ont., are all participating in community coalitions working toward sheltering community members without housing.
Two or three times each year, Christian Reformed churches send representatives to their classis, a regional group of churches. Here is the report of classis meetings of the past several months.
An estimated 5,000 people demonstrated in support of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders on Sunday, in rallies organized in 14 American cities by the Asian American Christian Collaborative.
The temptations in Africa aren’t any different from those in North America.
Nigerian-born rapper stirs crucial conversations.
Diverse contemporary worship music collective, Maverick City Music, debuts at No. 1 on the Billboard Top Gospel Chart with new EP.
Racism has a cost for everyone—not just for people of color.
Let me give you three reasons why I think the resurrection of Jesus was not made up by early Christians.
“Sunday is the golden clasp that binds together the volume of the week.”
By offering death as an option to those expected to die in the “reasonably foreseeable” future, Bill C-7, many disabled people fear, would provide an incentive for their mistreatment or even unwanted death.
If people have talents in music, writing, hospitality, technology, or some other area that could benefit the church community, do they have an obligation to do so?
This lyrical, stunning picture book tells a story about learning to love and celebrate Asian-shaped eyes.
A documentary that covers a year in the life of the Swedish 15-year-old climate change activist.
A poetry collection lends “wild hope” in difficult times.
A Collaborative that formed just about a year ago denouncing anti-Asian racism at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, has released its second statement. “We call Christians and church leaders to make a clear and urgent response condemning this heinous act of hate.”
CRCNA executive director Colin Watson Sr. was one of 28 leaders to sign a March 8 letter to U.S. President Joe Biden addressing policy recommendations related to the Middle East.
Charity Auto Repair, a ministry of Northern Lighthouse Church in Lincoln, Neb., is preparing to build a new and bigger garage after 15 years of offering the community free mechanic services and providing mentoring and training opportunities to work-release correctional inmates.
Could any of us have guessed, when all this started, that we would still be facing the wrath of the Coronavirus a year later?
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A hospital chaplain vividly remembers the fear, disorientation, and confusion she and others felt as the hospital shifted to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic.
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