When I was a child our family faithfully worshiped at a local Christian Reformed church.
Words of uncertainty spill from Peter’s lips: “I’m going out to fish” (John 21:3).
Climate Care
Our profound moral imperativeOur star, the sun, pours forth immense energy.
Grace through every generation
Healed to LeadIona stewart’s first encounter with the Christian Reformed Church was a service at Second CRC Brampton, Ontario, to which a friend
Genocide or Healing ?
Reading one of the Bible's most disturbing passagesWhat most attracts you to the Bible and what most repels you?
A Modest Proposal
The CRC is now 150 years old. What might its future hold? Here’s one perspective guaranteed to generate discussion.This year the Ď㽶ĘÓƵ celebrates 150 years of ministry.
Two contrasting recent articles in The Banner touch on divine providence (“Is God Responsible?” by Daniel Boerman, August 200
Grace Through Every Generation
From Korea to KalamazooTHE ROAD VICTOR KO, age 39, traveled to the Christian Reformed Church was unusual, but one on which he now recognizes the Spirit’s
If you’re a black member of the Christian Reformed Church, you probably know what an identity crisis is all about.
For almost 100 years, until the founding of the state of Israel in 1948, Christian Zionists graciously endured the derision of mainline P
Women In Office: Continuing the Conversation
Thinking Aloud About Synod 2006’s DecisionsAs Bob De Moor points out in his editorial, halting discussion about women’s participation in the leadership of the church does
Sunday Morning Parenting
How parents and churches can make worship a highlight for kidsSunday mornings can be the low point in a kid’s week.
Christmas is first of all about Jesus.
I awoke before dawn in southern Sudan to what I thought was the sound of a rooster crowing.
Peace on Whom God’s Favor Rests
A story of God’s grace in a dark adventIN DECEMBER when I leave for work the mornings are dark as the days slowly tick off to the 21st, the winter solstice.
When the Heidelberg Catechism first appeared in 1563, few would have guessed it was destined for greatness.
Gift-Giving Etiquette in the global village
Bread, Stone, or Snake?In 1987 we spent two weeks of cultural orientation living in an empty
hut in a Fulani village in Mali.WEARY OF MY MEAGER PRAYER LIFE, needing to know God in a new way, I signed up for an eight-day silent prayer retreat during a recent sabb
In his engaging book Calvinism in the Las Vegas Airport, Richard Mouw recalls that in the movie Hardcore, Jake tries to explain to Niki,
Don’t Turn Away
Synod 2006 chose to keep the CRC’S relationship with the “Liberal” PCN restrictedWould the outcome have been different had delegates heard this plea?
Recently I had the privilege of turning over my work in Niger to my Nigerien counterpart, Harouna Issaka.
Raising the MySpace Generation
Our Kids have become the media, yet they’re still just as vulnerable as everWhen I was a kid lying on our shag carpet, watching “The Brady Bunch” or “The Flintstones,” the world of media wa
Seeing the Face of God
What My Muslim Father Taught Me About Christ in the name of God the MercifulGrowing up, I cannot recall a time I got into a car with my father that he didn’t recite this short prayer in Arabic before departi
Are We Wrong About Racism?
Expanding our understandingI believe Satan has done a superb job of deceiving many well-meaning Christians, even Christian leaders.