Secure attachment makes for healthy relationships.
We’ve Been Married That Long?
Just Married; Two Kids and a Dog; Empty Nest; Retirement“Thou shalt not steal” applies to sermons too.
We’re all searching for wholeness in fractured lives.
Is historical, factual interpretation of the first 11 chapters of Genesis necessary? I believe the short answer is no.
I’ve never been a prostitute. Or been demon-possessed. Or lived with five different men. I’ve been a pretty good girl, not troubled with unseemly secrets.
Some tall tales you just might have learned in Sunday school.
What does “living simply” entail?
The former CRWRC Central American director reflects on his abduction and torture in Guatemala.
We all can agree that God is the Creator.
Could these stories have any bearing on the rifts between my own family members?
Pondering the mystery of the Word made flesh.
Wouldn’t it be great if the church had a reputation for handling conflict in a Christ-like way?
Obeying the commandment to love our neighbors as ourselves shapes the way we participate as stewards in God’s economy.
What if we were courageous enough to listen to each other’s views?
Can we learn to be less certain about our individual interpretation of Scripture?
The church is called to serve as the conscience of governments.
An introvert’s guide to involvement in church life.