Is the opposite of fake news “authentic news?” Does that mean if people authentically believe something to be true, it is?
You cannot resolve the conflicts within your parents’ marriage that are highlighted by these political differences.
A church denomination intent on family unity has a chance of finding a way to remain united.
Each individual has a unique genetic makeup, social history, and personality, and each teen will navigate this identity crisis in his or her own way.
It can be very helpful for everyone in a newly blended family if both the marriage partners and their respective children understand that the roles of spouse and parent should not be assumed to automatically go together.
Why does the abuse of power by leaders in our churches and parachurch organizations seem to be more common than it used to be, and how can we best address this problem?
#MeToo movement has highlighted women who have experienced sexual harassment or assault. Aren’t Christians supposed to forgive rather than demand justice?
On the one hand, some connections are established more easily and quickly now that the smartphone replaced the telephone...
It is tempting for a long-married couple to think of sexual (romantic) intimacy in isolation from the rest of the relationship.
One possible reason for strained relationships between pastors and churches is the tendency of churches to put their pastors on a pedestal.
If we feel good only when we are working and become restless when we are just being with family, friends, or ourselves, then we are out of balance.