If we want church to resonate with the next generation, here are a few words to consider dropping.
Read our regular columns on Faith Matters, Big Questions, Christian apologetics, Shiao Chong's monthly Editorial, the Discover page (especially for kids), the Vantage Point, the Other Six, and letters from Christian Reformed Church members and our readers. Our online-only columns are As I Was Saying and Behind the Banner.
One of the reasons the “attractional church model” is being questioned today is the realization that it often produces consumers more than it makes disciples.
What is your church’s brand? What do people in your community think about when they hear your church’s name mentioned? Not too long ago, our entire denomination and every individual congregation were known as the “Dutch church.” We have made great strides in shaking that image. But to no longer be known as something hardly qualifies as a strong brand.
See how readers responded to recent Banner issues, articles, and columns.
Reasons for busyness vary from family to family, but one reason is we don’t want to miss out on anything.
The church is a community of vulnerability. And God intends that to be our strength.
How can we trust that the Bible we have is any good if the canon was selected by the early church and preserved by church tradition?
How do you keep warm in the winter? Maybe you wear a sweater or a winter coat. But how do animals keep themselves warm?
Life, in the Bible, is relatedness. It is about belonging, body and soul, to God, and secondarily, to belong in a community.
You cannot resolve the conflicts within your parents’ marriage that are highlighted by these political differences.
It was mid-December. We were all waiting. But we weren't waiting like the rest of the world.
카드: 만약 제가 완전히 동의하는 기사만 싣는다면 저는 배너를 저의 사적인 확성기로 만드는 잘못을 저지르게 됩니다.
People are willing to die for their faith in God. People are not willing to die for their faith in Santa Claus.
Not everyone celebrates Christmas the same way we do here in North America.
The measures churches have implemented to protect people are largely reactionary, not preventative. How do you hedge against a sin that originates in the human heart?
Experts can usually tell when something has been manipulated, but what about the rest of us?
At the risk of insulting the intelligence of his student, Solomon calls him a “sluggard” and tells him to go learn how to live wisely from an insect.
The opportunities and open doors to reach out to those who are “least” are without limit.
Babel is, after all, the key narrative to which we can trace the origins of our current predicament of globalization.
Eating that soup—it was as if God was inviting me to be part of the family.
I was not the man of God I had portrayed; instead, I was in need of restoration and healing grace.
If I only publish articles I fully agree with, then I would be guilty of turning The Banner into my own personal megaphone.
I wonder if the faithfulness required of us, as we wait for our wedding feast to begin, is a kind of political chastity.
Many of my students ask whether you can have a calling if you do not believe in God.