I wonder about this named-yet-unknown quilt creator. Why did she craft this special quilt for our son?
Read our regular columns on Faith Matters, Big Questions, Christian apologetics, Shiao Chong's monthly Editorial, the Discover page (especially for kids), the Vantage Point, the Other Six, and letters from Christian Reformed Church members and our readers. Our online-only columns are As I Was Saying and Behind the Banner.
I know big technology companies keep track of our every move online, but what about privacy among family members and friends online?
Many think Jesus’ cleansing of the temple was a display of harsh anger and violence. However, Mark’s account shows otherwise.
My Bible and I were searched for illegal substances and subsequently released when nothing was found.
Singing together is an essential activity when we gather for worship, lifting the spirit and nourishing the soul. But sometimes the sacred shows up elsewhere.
No one can simply write a letter to synod unless they have standing to do so and have followed the prescribed procedures for submitting material for synod’s agenda.
What I’m describing is a moment I never could see coming.
Reformed Christians need to look more deeply at these texts in particular and at Scripture as a whole.
My ancestors were connected to the land in many ways, which connected them to the Creator.
It’s a good thing that when God created heat, he also created rules for heat to follow.
See how readers responded to recent Banner issues, articles, and columns.
Assuming God did predestine only a select few to be saved, why would he bother creating people he did not elect for salvation?
“There’s something about love that builds up and is creative,” the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. declared in a sermon. “There is something about hate that tears down and is destructive.”
I have loved animals my whole life, so working in an animal hospital seemed like an obvious choice for a career.
Sometimes we find it easy to overlook God.
Through the decades, I have had to unlearn what was taught to me that night.
We have shared this story over the years, labeling it as the most curious gift ever sent to missionaries.
When God’s restful presence is the power that fuels your life, pushing through hardships will be worth it.
Seeing someone lift up their light inspires others to do the same.
We need to be Christ’s channels of grace and compassion to all in need.
Could joining God’s mission begin with recognizing God already at work?
Who wants to help a snake? Snakes are icky, weird, and evil, aren’t they?
In Matthew 5, Jesus tells us to turn the other cheek and to love our enemies. So why does the CRC allow its members to go to war?
As you slowly sand along the grain, the wood begins to reveal its beautiful characteristics.