Growing up in a Dominican home in Miami meant that when dinnertime rolled around, I could expect a plateful of rice and beans with a serving of news headlines . . .
What many are seeing more clearly is the need for the church to address sexual violence.
Grace Church wants to be known as a welcoming place for all who enter. The words “Everyone Welcome” are prominently featured on the congregation’s website, bulletin, and entryways.
Mika Edmondson was speaking with his doctoral advisor, Dr. Ronald Feenstra, at Calvin Seminary one day. His work was winding down, but he had a question.
By way of a life story so unimaginably full of war and horror, Ny Ly, once a young Buddhist monk in Cambodia, came to believe in the God of the Bible, a God he knows loves him.
One congregation’s miracle of multiplication.
When Alvin Plantinga arose to accept the 2017 Templeton Prize for “progress in religion,” he couldn’t resist a wry observation.
When I was in college, one of my professors occasionally asked me to house-sit when he and his wife were out of town.
Several years ago I was asked to pray for the United States at our church's annual Prayer Day service.
As the church wrestles with whether women and men who practice homosexuality ought to be embraced into the full life of the church...
Poor Zechariah. He’s minding his priestly business, and suddenly an angel accosts him and delivers shocking news.
“We feel stuck.”
From our earliest days, we are taught to distinguish.
The service begins in silence. The casket with the body inside is carried to the front of the sanctuary,
Mental illness does not wear any bandages. There are no slings or crutches.
I was born and raised in Malaysia.
You are going to die. We all are going to die.
In 2017, Christians are marking the Reformation’s 500th anniversary.
The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit
I sang with Elder Clinton Taylor in the gospel choir at Lawndale Christian Reformed Church
For the last couple of years, in conversations with men, I have found occasion to say, “I think men are in trouble today.”
Before I met my husband, my understanding of “mass” was limited to a vague notion of its usefulness in physics.