Dressed in a tall hat, dark pastor’s robe, and ruffled shirt, and sporting a long white beard, Don Sinnema greeted attendees at this fall’s Synod of Dort Commemorative Conference in the Calvin Theological Seminary auditorium.
Our Shared Ministry
Our Shared Ministry is a place to hear, discuss, and celebrate the ministry that we, as the Christian Reformed Church, are involved in across North America and around the world.
Calvin College professor of astronomy Larry Molnar made a bold announcement in 2017.
Then her husband began drinking again. It took only three months for his abuse to return.
Earlier this year, synod encouraged denominational ministries to honor the 400th anniversary of the Synod of Dort, which met between 1618-19 in the city of Dordrecht in the Netherlands.
Abuse is a topic that many of us avoid because it is so difficult to find the exact right words to use.
Human trafficking, one of the fastest growing criminal industries in the world, has many faces.
Modesta Lucas Bravo grew up around coffee plants. Her parents harvested coffee as plantation workers in rural Guatemala.
Hailey was a freshman at GRCC when she first stumbled upon the table Peter set up for Jabez Ministries, a Christian Reformed campus ministry supported by Resonate Global Mission that primarily serves students with disabilities.
Life is often difficult for people in China who are blind, as Wang Ying wrote in an online essay competition hosted by the Chinese ministry of Back to God Ministries International.
What sorts of worship practices clearly proclaim that all ages are welcome as the community gathers for worship?
Those who attended Inspire 2017 were privileged to view a video that showed multiple speakers reciting the Apostles Creed. With each speaker voicing a single phrase, the compiled results provided an amazing testimony of belief, made all the more significant because the speakers were primarily children, teens, and adults with disabilities.
Destination Church in St. Thomas, Ont., is a congregation that has been intentional about including everyone from their community, regardless of their struggles and perceived abilities.
Between August and September 2017, three major hurricanes hit the United States. These storms had a ripple effect that caused difficult situations for many people.
종교의 자유에 대한 제한은 북미에서조차도 점점 현실이 되고 있습니다.
Mekai Bailey, a busy 7-year-old, listens to Kids Corner every night to calm himself down at the end of the day.
Each year during August, 34 Calvin student athletes travel to the mountainous Gainey Ranch in Montana for a weeklong retreat on Christian leadership.
Out of all the doors Amir* and Hassan* could have knocked on, they chose David Kromminga’s. That was exactly the door they needed.
We seek to live faithfully in a hurting, divided, and broken world. It seems, more and more, that being a Christian puts us in a category of being irrelevant, weird, or even hate-mongers.
An unprecedented number of Christian Reformed churches will mark the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church this year, just two years after synod encouraged churches to mark this day.
Persecution takes many forms and happens in unexpected places.
We just got back from another date. This time it was longer and more involved, but we also gave each other plenty of room for time apart.
Anshu’s life had been one of uncertainty and instability.
We don’t have to discover God’s call on our own. Sometimes God speaks to us through many people over a long period.
Thirteen-year-old Salma is a bright and friendly girl who dreams of completing her studies and becoming self-reliant.