My ancestors were connected to the land in many ways, which connected them to the Creator.
As I Was Saying
This is The Banner's online opinion column, from a variety of different writers, published Fridays.
“There’s something about love that builds up and is creative,” the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. declared in a sermon. “There is something about hate that tears down and is destructive.”
Seeing someone lift up their light inspires others to do the same.
I used to resent reminders to pray. I took their reminders of prayer to mean they thought that I was somehow to blame.
For 6-foot-8 people like myself, it’s a taste of heaven to be able to stretch out my long legs.
When the wind of passion leaves our sails, we beat the oars.
Although few today remember Alice’s story, historians recognize her as one of the first
people to use photography in a human rights campaign.In her one question, I felt listened to, cared for, and not alone—and our conversation continued for quite a while.
If we refuse to keep each other’s company until our disputes have been settled, we will die alone.
Every week hundreds of people shuffle past this quiet image, which captures everything essential the church wants to communicate.
When our livelihood and community depend upon our ability to lead well, sharing openly that we are not doing well takes a leap of faith—sometimes an extraordinary one.
How different my own mealtime prayers feel from the solemn longing of the men of Gondor. I suspect many of us might feel the same.
Now that I am co-managing my own household with young kids, I wonder regularly, could my babysitter have been sincerely grateful for the atmosphere at my childhood home?
These stories, some of which he told in his 1967 bestselling book God’s Smuggler, only scratch the surface of Andrew’s adventurous personality and the contributions he made to the church.
As an officer of Synod 2022, I had a front-row seat to the heightened anxiety from all directions around these weighty matters.
I signed up to volunteer with the resettling agency, remembering how I had been surrounded by immigrants daily as I navigated the streets of New York City.
It strikes me that church picnics and potlucks are much like the church itself. The CRC is one denomination, but within it there are many flavors of congregations.
The only crown of victory ever offered to the Christian is that of martyrdom. We were never called to win, only to testify.
This belt was one way the early Iroquois people of eastern Canada preserved their way of governing and maintaining their laws.
When I am not sure but have to make a choice, I choose to risk erring on the side of love and inclusion.
When I was appointed as a delegate to synod the first week of March, and I was immediately asked about it, all I could say was, "I don't know."
Jesus is effectively declaring in Luke 24:44 that the entire Old Testament is pointing to him.
Riding the bus home from the swimming pool several years ago, I found myself in a communication conundrum.
St. Patrick’s effective ministry to the Celtic people can show us a path for the here and now.