More than 500 GEMS Girls’ Club counselors gathered at Redeemer University College in Ancaster, Ontario, for the 40th annual GEMS le
Stories from people, congregations and ministries of the CRCNA, reported by The Banner's news editor and a team of regular correspondents and Church Worldwide news from the Religion 㽶Ƶ Service. Send news tips to
To apply for a grant, please fill out the application from the Office of Social Justice at:
“How many of you have planted a tree?” asked camp leader Ron Oostra.
Bethel Christian Reformed Church in Princeton, Minn., replaced its vacation Bible school with a summer art camp five years ago.
A service project was turned upside-down this summer when the youths were in charge, issuing instructions to the adults of Lee Street Chr
For more than 40 years, fathers and sons from Second Christian Reformed Church in Byron Center, Mich., have bonded over bait and fishing
None of the 13 young people from Heritage Christian Reformed Church in Byron Center, Mich., knew where they were headed when they left fo
For 17 consecutive years, young people from Third Christian Reformed Church in Denver, Colo., have been traveling to Mexico to help in mi
More than 250 teens gathered in Evart, Mich., in April for “Where U At?”— an urban youth conference sponsored by Youth
The poor economy did not stop an all-time high number of teens from flocking to the 2009 All-Ontario Youth Convention.
Teens from Korean Christian Reformed churches in southern California and Nevada gathered this summer for Camp Kainos 2009, held at Big Be
“Relevant.” “Put together well.” “Challenging.” Those were some of the ways teens described the 2009
Dec. 18, 1921 – Aug. 2, 2009
Redeemer University College in Ancaster, Ontario, will receive $2.9 million of economic stimulus money from the Canadian federal governme
It was the “holy rollers” versus the “high rollers” in Rocky Mountain House, Alberta, and the holy rollers won.
A statement issued by the Calvin College board of trustees, addressing how faculty and staff may write and speak about homosexuality, tou
A South African church that was suspended from the World Alliance of Reformed Churches in 1982 because of its support for apartheid is &l
The Protestant Church in the Netherlands (PKN) marked its first five years with a synodical meeting and the election of a new moderator,
Church Nursery Safe Practices
Consider including the following in your written policies:
- Write and enforce a policy regarding the care of children, indicating who may serve as volunteers.
- Assign additional volunte
A child abduction at a Kentwood, Mich., church highlights the need for churches to have comprehensive child-safety policies and procedu
Issues surrounding ordination and even membership of gay persons in churches continue to dominate the agenda of many denominations.