Did you know that there are more than 7,500 kinds of apples grown around the world?
This column for kids explores nature, science, and God’s amazing, good world.
As we start this school year, we know things will be different.
All animals need oxygen to live, but not all animals have lungs.
One of my jobs is to study turtles in the wild because scientists are worried they are going to disappear.
Take a peek through a window to your back yard. What kinds of animals do you see?
The butterfly is a perfect example of how God uses change for good.
Have you ever wondered why most animals have tails? What are they for? Just what do tails do anyway?
Just as the addax was designed with special features for life in the harsh desert, we as God’s children are designed with a purpose in mind.
How do you keep warm in the winter? Maybe you wear a sweater or a winter coat. But how do animals keep themselves warm?
Not everyone celebrates Christmas the same way we do here in North America.
The seeds from different grains are food that people and animals can eat.
Whatever it looks like and however it is made, bread is a part of many celebrations and everyday meals all around the world.
Did you know trees can teach us something about our faith? The Bible often uses examples from creation to teach us about our faith.
This summer you might enjoy swimming in your neighborhood pool or in a lake. But it’s not a good idea to go swimming in a swamp! The dark, muddy waters of a swamp are not be the best place for people to swim. But it is home for hundreds of creatures who love swimming in swamps.
We can’t see God with our eyes. But God has made amazing things we can see that show us something about our awesome God. God created towering mountains and blazing stars and all sorts of wild and wonderful animals, and God gave us incredible eyes to see it all!
You’ve probably played hide-and-seek outside with your friends. But did you know that some animals are great at hiding too? A walking stick insect can blend in with its surroundings by pretending to be a stick. But some animals can hide by changing colors! Here are a few hide-and-seek champions.
Chia seed, pepita, dandelion, maple key, peach pit, coconut, acorn . . . Seeds come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. And all are our awesome God’s amazing handiwork!
A FREE resource to share with your favorite kid, grandkid, or student. This collection of 13 award-winning Just for Kids columns will inspire both kids and kids-at-heart to delight in and celebrate God’s amazing creation.
In 1907, a man named Leo Baekeland made a discovery that changed our world forever.
It is very cold in many places in the winter. To stay warm, you wear lots of sweaters, mittens, scarves, and a warm winter coat. But there are two places where it is cold all the time—the North and South Poles.
Shepherds are people who look after sheep. They provide food and water for their sheep and protect them from predators. Even without predators, sheep can get themselves into trouble. Sometimes a sheep will fall or get knocked over and get stuck on its back. Without a shepherd to help them up, they would die.
Here’s one way to practice being thankful every day!
What is a vegetable, a grain, and a fruit all at the same time?