When I Pray for You would make an excellent gift to parents of newborns and to children at the time of their baptism
Sheila Walsh, a depression sufferer, provides examples from her own life in overcoming and accepting hard things.
This delightful picture book by Sally Lloyd-Jones, well known for the Jesus Story Book Bible, touches on themes of inclusivity and friendship.
A wide-ranging assortment of men and women—some Protestant ministers, two Catholic priests, a nun, a lawyer, and others, tell stories of Christian activists.
In this timely juvenile novel, author Jacqueline Woodson relates the stories of six students in a Brooklyn, N.Y., grade 5-6 classroom who know they aren’t like other kids.
In this tender, meaningful picture book set in a loving church community, the late Patricia McKissack celebrates generosity and kindness.
Readers of Three Hours will find in its reflections a worthwhile, spiritually enlightening space in which to dwell during Lent.
Patti Rokus has produced another remarkable picture book combining her visionary rock sculptures, engaging narrative, and Scripture texts to tell the story of Jesus.
Over the course of 150 years, three strong women from the same Michigan family are drawn into racially charged relationships and confront different kinds of racism in this potent debut novel.
In his early 20s, Morgan Bolt was diagnosed with a rare, incurable pediatric cancer. A couple of years into the experience, he decided to write about it.
With characteristic wisdom and logic, author Timothy Keller describes how the book of Jonah is “an ingenious and artfully crafted work of literature.”
Elizabeth Hay’s memoir candidly and poignantly expresses the difficulties she faced as she cared for her aging parents.
Luke Powery’s brief, compelling devotional combines spirituals with the 40-day Lenten journey.
Margaret Bradley’s world is shattered when her son Andrew, a pilot, dies while flying a Canadian peacekeeping mission in Kurt Palka’s wise novel.
This distinctive children’s picture book could prove to be a valuable resource.
The challenge for all of us who are in the church is to be honest about the planks in our own eyes rather than searching for everyone else’s specks. We need to stop idolizing an artificial ideal of purity that none of us can uphold and instead love our neighbors as ourselves.
Wolterstorff’s journey reveals a grace-filled life, a personal embodiment of shalom.
A witty and compelling novel for middle readers that will appeal to many adults as well.
TerKeurst explores the nature of life between two gardens: the garden of Eden and “Eden restored.”
A balanced, biblical call to follow Jesus’ command to offer hospitality and to welcome the stranger among us.
Look here to find out more about award-winning books for children and young adults.
A sensitive portrayal of an 11-year-old girl who desperately loves her family yet wants to fit into the predominant American culture
Banner reader George Kroeze submitted his review of this book about the science of determining the age of the Earth.