Relevant magazine’s Relevant Podcast Network debuted last week. Niequist, daughter of Bill and Lynne Hybels, is a popular spiritual writer of books that include her first, Cold Tangerines, and her latest, Present Over Perfect.
In the first episode of her interview-style podcast, she converses with Tsh Oxenreider, author most recently of At Home in the World: Reflections on Belonging While Wandering the Globe. The first half of the podcast centers on what it was like for Oxenreider and her husband to take their three young children to wander the world for nine months.
This particular episode gives tips for extended traveling with children, as well as some observations about the purpose of getting away. While a nine-month world trip is obviously not a possibility for everyone, her advice is good and applicable no matter what kind of travel is within your reach. Be warned, though, of the possible side effect of itchy feet.
The second half of the episode is focused on more personal questions to the guest, and I particularly enjoyed the discussion of a faith practice that has been meaningful to Oxenreider’s life.
Niequist has a friendly, conversational tone, and her interests in lifestyle choices like books, food, and recipes are part and parcel of the show. I suspect she will settle more comfortably into the host role over time. In this episode the interaction between Niequist and Oxenreider is a bit of a lovefest, which could get tiring if each episode has that flavor. But there is potential for this to be a warm, interesting podcast.
About the Author
Kristy Quist is Tuned In editor for The Banner and a member of Neland Ave. CRC in Grand Rapids, Mich.