As pastor of the House for All Saints and Sinners in Denver, Colo., Bolz-Weber is not what you might expect a Lutheran pastor to be. She swears like a sailor, has the temper of a tiger, and sports tattoos up and down her arms.
Despite the blustery, non-conformist exterior, Bolz-Weber is touchingly sensitive in her portrayal of the “accidental saints” she meets in her pastoral work. She includes herself in that group, admitting foibles with many quotable lines: “Whenever people annoy me beyond reason, I can guarantee it’s because they’re demonstrating something I’d rather not see in myself.”
While some will be put off by her raw language, demonstrates a rooted faith and offers great spiritual wisdom. (Convergent)
About the Author
Otto Selles teaches French at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Mich., and attends Neland Avenue Christian Reformed Church in Grand Rapids.