We are in the world, but not of the world, like exiles in a foreign country. Heard that before, right? But how does a Christian’s status as an “exile” translate to daily living? Do we separate ourselves from the world? Fight against it? Or simply blend in?
In the seven-episode series (Flannel/Acton Institute), also presented as FLOW, Evan Koons and a wildly creative group of thinkers and artists offer a “new perspective” on what we must do with our lives once we know we have been saved.
FLOW stars Koons as Evan, who lives in an idyllic country home crammed with bric-à-brac and antique technology. Evan is unhappy with how Christians treat the world but doesn’t know what to do.
A group of friends appear to help him understand the idea of oikonomia, a Greek term used to refer to “God’s economy of all things.” In God’s economy, everything is a gift, and it is our responsibility to make his gifts flourish.
While this spiritual idea of “economic responsibility” sounds terribly abstract, each 15- to 20-minute episode (perfect for a small group or adult education class) bursts with humor and creativity, giving life to topics such as marriage, work, knowledge, beauty, and the church.
About the Author
Otto Selles teaches French at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Mich., and attends Neland Avenue Christian Reformed Church in Grand Rapids.