Sometimes we have to move forward when we don't have all the answers. That is what Randy Lewis did when he started hiring people with disabilities. At the time Lewis was a Walgreens senior vice president. is the story of how he and his team did it. Lewis has a son who was diagnosed with autism at the age of 3.
Over the years, Walgreens has gained a reputation for hiring people with disabilities to work at their distribution centers. The company has created an environment where they can thrive. Other companies employ people with disabilities, but not with the expertise—or to the extent—that Walgreens has.
This is a great book for general readers, but especially for advocates of people with disabilities and for readers who want to do more on their behalf. The appendix has guidelines and principles that Walgreens uses. The book has been endorsed by Joni Erickson Tada. (Tyndale House)
About the Author
Dave Baker