With a subtitle like Beer, Conversation, and God, readers of The Banner will know right up front that they’re in for something very different with . Berghoef, the founding pastor of Watershed Church (a CRC plant) in Traverse City, Mich., tells of his church’s innovative “outreach” through weekly pub theology sessions held at a local microbrewery. And what is pub theology? “Open and honest conversation with friends (new and old!) about things that matter.”
Along with real-life stories and reflections on four years of pub theology, Berghoef reveals an affinity for an exploration approach as opposed to an indoctrination approach to faith—one “that seeks not to teach, but to learn; not to speak, but to listen”—in reporting conversations between people of varying belief systems and backgrounds. Footnotes from Brian McLaren, Philip Gulley, and Peter Rollins betray the book’s “emerging church” sympathies, and the insider’s look at postmodern church planting, while enlightening, is disturbing. (Cascade)
About the Author
Robert N. Hosack is Executive Editor for Baker Publishing Group, and he is a member of Church of the Servant CRC in Grand Rapids, Mich.