I have been amazed at the sensitivity of these talks with God, and have been blessed and enriched by them. Henry Baron has an unusual grasp of the human condition. are insightful, honest, raw, disquieting, and comforting at the same time. Henry Baron uses words so well, with noble simplicity. Just the right words, usually short words, simple words, but just the right words.
I especially recommend this book for life-long Christians. I fear God really gets tired of most prayers. Predictable. Monotonous. Formulaic. Henry introduces us to a new genre of prayer—honest cries of the heart. Christians have all kinds of wonderings, questions, doubts, hopes, fears. These talks with God give voice to all of these things.
Many of these talks with God could be used word-for-word in worship settings.
I recommend it highly. (Exxel)
About the Author
Duane Kelderman is interim pastor at Faith Christian Reformed Church in Holland, Mich. He is a convener of the realignment project described in this article.