Commissioned in 2011, the has brought a number of recommendations adopted by the synods of the past few years. For example, the Task Force, with synod’s approval, worked to refine a new set of senior leadership job descriptions as a new executive director and Canadian ministries director have been appointed, and soon, a new director of ministries and administration.
The Task Force also brought the “” metaphor to Synod 2013. More and more, these five streams (Servant Leadership, Global Missions, Faith Formation, Gospel Proclamation and Worship, and Loving Mercy and Doing Justice) are helping to shape a culture of collaboration and provide new ideas about structures that may lend improved organization to our ministries and even our governance.
At Synod 2014, the Task Force brought options for structuring our many boards and committees. and beyond. Respondents cautioned against moving toward too much centralization and encouraged greater accountability, depth and breadth of ministry, and focus on local churches.
In response, the Task Force is continuing to explore best structures for ministry delivery. It seeks your prayers for wisdom and discernment as it anticipates bringing a further refined governance model to Synod 2015.