Rev. Moses Chung is committed to the power of prayer. He is pleased that the Christian Reformed Church is planning to hold a third denomination-wide prayer summit after a year without one.
If all goes as planned, the summit will be held April 13-15, 2015, at All Nations CRC in Lakeview Terrace, Calif. It will provide pastors, church leaders, and others from across the CRC the chance to gather for prayer, presentations, and worship.
“The purpose [of the summit] is to rediscover a heartfelt sense of reverence of God’s majesty as we pray together and to unite as people of God from diverse backgrounds,” said Chung, director of Christian Reformed World Missions.
The goal will be to share the experience of humility and trust in God “as people pray together to intercede for the needs of our lives, local churches, our community, nation, and the world,” said Korean ministry coordinator Rev. Charles Kim, one of the ethnic ministry leaders for Home Missions.
Prayer Summit 2012 was initiated by Korean CRC leaders who invited denominational leaders for the purpose of learning and praying together. The next summit was held in 2013.
The goal is for over 800 people from Christian Reformed agencies, regional and classical representatives, prayer mobilizers, lay leaders, and local congregation members to participate in .
Organizers hope that, like the previous prayer summits, this event will develop and equip prayer mobilizers to hold prayer summits on regional/classical levels.
Above all, said Chung, he hopes the summit will help the CRC to get a better sense of where the Holy Spirit is leading the church in today’s complex world.
About the Author
Chris Meehan is a freelance writer and commissioned pastor at Coit Community Church in Grand Rapids, Mich.