Wen-Jie Guo, (BTGMI) Chinese producer, was thankful to read a listener’s comment on the BTGMI English World website.
“I found your site while searching on the web,” said the listener. “I am also curious about the Jesus you mentioned in your program. I want to know more about him. . . . Can you point me in some direction?”
English World is a newly revised website designed to reach out to Chinese-speaking people who desire to learn English.
Many of these listeners are especially interested in a new segment called “A Day in the Life,” in which Wen-Jie interviews people who discuss daily life in North America.
“A Day in the Life” has covered topics such as favorite coffee, a marriage proposal, photography, and prayer.
“Each person reflects on something in their life and ties it to their Christian perspective,” says Wen-Jie.
“It is our prayer that, through genuinely helping people learn a language skill, we honor God in this effort and lead them to faith in Christ,” says Rev. Jimmy Lin, Chinese ministry leader.
About the Author
Nancy Vander Meer is a staff writer with Back to God Ministries International in Grand Rapids, Mich.