was privileged to host a meeting of Bible translators, publishers, and technologists.
Among the group were Scott Bolinder, executive vice president of Biblica (formerly International Bible Society); Doug Moo, Wessner Chair of Biblical Studies at Wheaton College and Chair of the Committee on Bible Translation (CBT) for the New International Version of the Bible; and Michael Williams, professor of Old Testament at Calvin Theological Seminary, and secretary of CBT.
The group met to discuss current efforts at marking the NIV with XML coding. This coding would enable current technologies to integrate the NIV much more easily into a variety of applications, both electronic and print, while ensuring that its form remains consistent.
As a result, the work of Bible publishers, Bible translators, and Bible distributors throughout the world will be much more efficient, making the Bible more accessible to more people—one more way the church is using contemporary resources to engage the world with the unchanging good news of Jesus Christ.
The Bible is the bestselling book in history, and the NIV is the bestselling modern English-language version year after year. More than 400 million copies have been sold since its first full publication in 1978. It is also the bestselling Bible eBook. The NIV is easy to understand, yet rich with the detail found in the original languages.
—Michael Williams, Calvin Theological Seminary