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Manga was working in a kiosk in a marketplace in the Jammu region of India when he overheard what sounded like a familiar voice talking with a nearby group of men.

Manga rushed over and said to the man, “Sir, it seems I have met you somewhere. Your voice is very familiar.”

“I do not know,” replied the man, whose name is Sadiq. “Maybe you heard me on the radio, since I speak on a program every evening.”

Sadiq is a program producer with Back to God Ministries International’s media partner in India.

Manga immediately connected Sadiq’s voice with the Hindi radio program he had heard.

Sadiq asked Manga if he understood what he had heard on the program. “Yes,” Manga responded, “but I am a Sikh. I do not believe in Christianity.”

As they spoke, Manga felt compelled to say, “My father is quite old and is suffering from cancer. The doctor has said he will survive for only a few more days.”

Sadiq expressed his sadness over this.

Then Manga, thinking of the words on the radio spoken by this man, went on, “You preach that Jesus can heal. If he heals my father, I will accept the Christian faith.”

Sadiq felt convicted to instruct Manga to pray to Jesus for healing for his father. Manga went home and prayed as he was told.

That was five years ago. Recently, Manga contacted Sadiq to report that his father had just passed away. He also said that although his father continued to have cancer, he lived five years longer than the doctors had predicted.

Through this experience, Manga became a strong believer in Jesus Christ. His father also became a believer before his death.

Hearing of Manga’s experience, BTGMI’s Hindi ministry leaders were encouraged in their work. It was a reminder that “God’s ways are mysterious, and the Holy Spirit works in hearts in a way nobody knows.”

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