For 25 years, (RW) has provided valuable tools for pastors and worship planners in the Reformed tradition. Published by Faith Alive Christian Resources, the quarterly journal offers sample worship services and other resources, most of them contributed by readers.
The June 2011 RW celebrated the journal’s 25th anniversary and 100th issue with a major redesign, including the incorporation of full-color printing for the first time. It also reflected on ’s past and looked to its future.
“It is a delicate balance to offer 25 years of worship resources and articles that support the worship of God without encouraging idolatry of the innovative, the newest. . . ,” Rev. Joyce Borger, the editor, writes.
At the same time, Borger says, RW couldn’t exist without contributions from many churches that submit worship resource materials.
In the anniversary issue, Rev. John Witvliet, director of the , writes a reflection on Psalm 73 and how it reminds him of what he appreciates about RW.
The psalm, he writes, helps connect and put him in conversation with people who “realize that by the Spirit’s power worship is formative, not merely expressive; it changes our perspectives, shapes our desires, corrects our vision.”
The 100th issue, along with the previous one, is available in print and online at . Consider subscribing today to receive the latest content and access to copyrighted print music and visual resources.
About the Author
Chris Meehan is a freelance writer and commissioned pastor at Coit Community Church in Grand Rapids, Mich.