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CRC Publications is the publishing ministry of the Christian Reformed Church. Under the name Faith Alive Christian Resources, it publishes resources for Sunday school, small groups, youth ministry, worship, church leadership, special needs, and more. Churches from many denominations use these resources.

CRC Publications also publishes The Banner (the monthly magazine of the Christian Reformed Church) and Reformed Worship (a quarterly worship journal). Through its World Literature Ministries division, CRC Publications produces books in Spanish and several other languages.

What’s New

Faith Alive Christian Resources

Partnership with the RCA
On Dec. 1, 2004, Faith Alive became the official resource provider for the Reformed Church in America (RCA). Nearly one year into this arrangement, things are running smoothly. Both organizations continue to learn more about each other and how best to serve our churches. Christian Reformed churches benefit from this partnership too, since CRC Publications is now able to offer a wider array of ministry resources.

Walk With Me Curriculum
Last year CRC Publications launched the new Walk With Me church school curriculum. Sales and feedback were both outstanding. Coordinators, teachers, and kids responded positively to the new curriculum. Faith Alive editors are thrilled, sales are higher than expected, and the second year of Walk With Me is already off to a good start.

Website Gets New Look
The Faith Alive website received a face lift this year. New features, new products, and a new interface all make online shopping a smooth experience for churches and individuals. Check it out at

New Releases
Several new youth titles have been released in the past year:

  • Fossils and Faith: Finding Our Way Through the Creation Controversy (4-session study)

  • Route 66: A Road Trip Through the Bible (8-session study)

  • Stuff to Know When Cults Come Knocking (7-session study)

Other New Titles

  • Ten Service Plans for Contemporary Worship, Volume 2

  • Together All God’s People: Integrating Children and Youth into the Life of Your Church

  • Little Lambs (new edition of this program for 2- and 3-year olds)

  • The Spirit, Our Helper—Friendship Bible Study

  • Expressing Faith in Jesus: Church Membership for People with Cognitive Impairments—book and kit

  • The Light of the World Is Jesus; King Jesus; Sharable Parables; and Rough Waves? Jesus Saves! (Christmas, Easter, and summer units for Sunday school)

World Literature Ministries

World Literature Ministries had a blessed and busy year. The majority of its work is now in the Spanish language under the Libros Desafío imprint. New titles include

  • Facetas del predicador (Preacher’s Portrait) by John Stott

  • Vida cristiana en el hogar (Christian Living in the Home) by Jay E. Adams

  • Más que vencedores (More than Conquerors) by William Hendriksen

  • Asesoramiento y cuidado pastoral  (Basic Types of Pastoral Care and Counseling) by Howard Clinebell

The Banner

Following Synod 2004’s decision, the transition to an every-household  Banner  was a big project for the entire staff.

Feedback on the new  Banner has been overwhelmingly positive and the editors will continue to shape the magazine with reader comments in mind.

Faith Alive Christian Resources
Website: www.FaithAliveResources.org
E-mail: sales@FaithAliveResources.org

The Banner
E-mail: editorial@thebanner.org

Reformed Worship
E-mail: info@reformedworship.org

World Literature Ministries
E-mail: info@librosdesafio.org

We Are Counting on You

The Banner is more than a magazine; it’s a ministry that impacts lives and connects us all. Your gift helps provide this important denominational gathering space for every person and family in the CRC.

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