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The Christian Reformed Church Foundation’s mission is to resource the priorities of the denomination and to support new ministry that emerges at the local, regional, or denominational level.

What’s New

During the past year, the foundation enjoyed an important partnership with the CRCNA in the distribution of funds raised by the 2008 Sea to Sea bike tour. About $360,000 was distributed to 60 Christian Reformed churches and related ministries in grants of $10,000 or less for the purpose of alleviating poverty. What a blessing to be a part of growing these ministries and sharing in the vision of hundreds of cyclists and their supporters!

Currently the foundation is seeking funding for three needs:

The Leadership Exchange—a leadership development program that helps clergy and lay leaders to be salt and light in our churches, our communities, and the world.

The Network: Connecting Churches for Ministry—to help congregations connect with new resources and each other in vibrant ministry. This is in keeping with the denomination’s priority to “create and sustain healthy congregations.â€

Timothy Institute of Calvin Theological Seminary—so church leaders in 36 countries, where church growth is soaring, can receive affordable, doctrinally sound training.

At this time, the foundation is not seeking proposals for program grants and is focused on resourcing the projects described above. As priorities within the denomination change, the CRC Foundation board will adjust the funding priorities. For the most up-to-date description of the mission and funding priorities of the foundation, visit us at www.crcna.org/foundation.

Contact info:

Website: www.crcna.org/foundation
616.224.0817 or 877.272.6299
E-mail: Foundation@crcna.org

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