It was a powerful mo-ment,” Corrie Mulder said.
Our Shared Ministry
Our Shared Ministry is a place to hear, discuss, and celebrate the ministry that we, as the Christian Reformed Church, are involved in across North America and around the world.
- January 18, 2011| |
Five years ago a group of terrorists hijacked commercial airplanes and crashed them into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a Penn
I have heard it said that the uglier the caterpillar, the more beautiful the butterfly.
God raises up certain people at certain times to do his work.” Jerry Jonker often said this about others, but 36 years ago God call
They’ve worshiped in a school, a community center, even a former funeral home.
Calvin College celebrates 50 years on its Knollcrest campus this summer with a variety of events, including a picnic during the annu
The Christian Reformed Church’s prayer line has a faithful partner.
Some came wondering if they were called to vocational ministry.
At San Jose (Calif.) Christian School, it’s not a question of whether to teach creation bu
As I take up my new responsibilittes as executive director of the Christian Reformed Church, the issue of leadership is often on my mind
Last summer I sat with some other North American visitors on rickety chairs under a mango tree in Uganda, East Africa.
If an adult had approached a teenage Darwin Glassford and predicted that he would be professor of church education at Calvin Theological
Last month Peter Borgdorff wrote his “swan song”—his last “Dear Reader” column.
One day, when saints from every tribe and language and people and nation gather at the throne of the Lamb, a saint from the Middle East m
In the May issue of The Banner we introduced you to Mariama Baylo Balde, who suffered from a disfiguring tumor in her mouth and
Next month, 34 students will arrive at Calvin Theological Seminary from all over North America to participate in a program called &ld
Christian Reformed World Missions missionary Jeffrey Bos serves as academic dean of the College of Christian Theology Bangladesh and
We all live with a certain amount of chaos in our lives. But for some, chaos and pain take control.
Reformed Worship, a quarterly journal for worship planners, is celebrating its 20th anniversary by making its archives and curre
They come almost daily, sometimes two or three at a time, from all over the United States and Canada.
When Arnold Schwarzenegger, Partners International, and the Back to God Hour all end up in the same place, it’s got to be news.
It is likely that this column will be my “swan song” in the Church@Work pages of The Banner.
Mike Tigchelaar is a member of Bethel CRC, Waterdown, Ontario.
Since 1920 Christian Reformed World Missions has been working in Nigeria to help develop a national church that today includes Reformed d