Jennifer Moore isn’t exactly sure what she’s going to do with her degree in health education from North Carolina Central Univ
Our Shared Ministry
Our Shared Ministry is a place to hear, discuss, and celebrate the ministry that we, as the Christian Reformed Church, are involved in across North America and around the world.
During her second year at the University of Western Ontario, student Rachael Bosma became actively involved in the school’s campus
Renata Maria da Silva Moura’s life was peaceful and organized until a diagnosis of cancer changed everything.
Churches in Ontario are hungry for information about evangelism, judging by the attendance at a recent conference hosted by the Home Miss
One morning in September 2003, members of the Avery Street CRC in South Windsor, Conn., awoke to sirens.
Additional resources are constantly being added to the Walk On website, which provides information and resources to suppor
I was dragging my heels,” Sam Perry says, remembering the long road that led him to Calvin Theological Seminary (CTS), Grand Rapids
In African refugee camps, heavy rains wash away homes, people are attacked by resentful local residents, and health issues are a constant
In a few weeks the synod of the Christian Reformed Church will convene for its annual meeting.
The prophet Micah calls us to “do justice, love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God” (Mic. 6:8).
A Movement of Hope
As students at Trinity Christian College pursue biblical justice, they’re shaping their world—and changing themselves.Allison Bachous talks about biblical justice with the passion of a preacher.
A dozen Calvin College students are preparing for possible post-college careers in ministry through the college’s Jubilee Fellows p
Faith Alive Summer Programs
Focus on FunPaul’s Race, God’s Grace and Follow the Leader joined the lineup of Walk With Me summer curriculum in March 2007.
Year of Faith Formation
Building Authentic CommunitiesFaith gives the framework to build authentic communities that worship together, support each other, and learn from each other.
In the February 2007 Church@Work feature “A Glimpse Behind the Veil,” a CRC chaplain described the experience of leading wors
Pornography is a blight on contemporary life and a threat to Christians and non-Christians alike.
Not long ago, Belinda Phelan was so angry at God she stopped going to church and hid her Bible. Today she is on fire for the Lord.
Dear Reader
More Than the Sum of Our PartsI finally managed to get my kitchen stool glued back together again—and it’s as good as new.
What can $4,000 do? In North America it can buy a 1999 Ford Escort with 100,000 miles on it.
Hundreds of people gathered in Foria, Sierra Leone, in February to celebrate the newest addition to the family of Christian Reformed chur
Mariama’s Story
by Kristin Niehof with Cal and Jamie HoflandThis story is about one woman’s physical and spiritual healing. But it is also much bigger.
When Rev.
When 150 students, faculty, and staff members from Calvin Theological Seminary gathered in December for a panel discussion on issues of g
“[Our] editors kept hearing the same thing,” says Bob De Moor, former theological editor at Faith Alive Christian Resources.