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Calvin Theological Seminary Launches New Digital Resource

A new digital version of Calvin Theological Seminary’s Forum will supplement the magazine by providing video content, podcasts, articles, events, webinars, book reviews, and other resources that address biblical and societal engagement from a Reformed perspective.
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As Calvin Theological Seminary looks forward to its 150th anniversary celebration, it asked alumni and supporters, “What is important to your continued development and growth?”

The response, said President Jul Medenblik, was an overwhelming desire for easier access to Reformed teaching and content that intersects with the questions and concerns all believers are facing.

“There is a strong desire for access to further training and the continual availability of our existing and additional resources that speak to these concerns from our distinctly Reformed perspective,” Medenblik explained. “In response to these requests, Calvin Theological Seminary is excited to announce the digital extension of our semi-annual magazine, Forum.”

Since its founding in 1876, Calvin Theological Seminary’s mission has been to serve the church. The school prepares students for biblically faithful and contextually effective ministry grounded in Reformed scholarship. This scholarship is shared not only in the classroom, but through continuing education opportunities, lecture series, and institutes such as the Center For Excellence in Preaching, The Institute for Mission, Church, and Culture, and more broadly through Forum and other publication platforms. The launch of the digital Forum will make many of these resources more readily available and accessible.

“Our community is wrestling with ideas and questions at the intersection of faith, culture, and Scripture, and we desire to meet them in those questions with accessible resources that faithfully pursue the answers,” Medenblik said.

The print edition of Forum will still be published, but the new digital edition will supplement the magazine by providing video content, podcasts, articles, events, webinars, book reviews, and other resources that address biblical and societal engagement from a Reformed perspective. Both formats will serve as a trusted guide to Reformed thought for readers from all walks of life.

“As we look forward to the next 150 years of Calvin Theological Seminary, we invite all those who wrestle with the ages-long questions of mercy, justice, faith, and formation to join us,” Medenblik concluded—“not because we have all the answers, but because we believe how we pursue the answers matters.”

You can learn more about Forum at calvinseminary.edu/forum/.

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