The Center for Excellence in Preaching, based at Calvin Theological Seminary, has launched a new website at .
Scott Hoezee, director of CEP, said the new site restructures CEP’s high-quality existing content and provides an immersive experience with easy-to-find for all preachers.
It also includes a new section that lets pastors search for relevant illustrations and quotations to fit preaching topics and themes.
The website also offers expanded content in and has infrastructure in place to include additional languages in the future.
“We hope pastors find our new website more intuitive to navigate so they can dive deeply into a whole array of preaching connection topics,” Hoezee said. “Every pastor knows that God’s Word deserves sermons that are fresh and vibrant, and we hope our new website will provide what is needed to spark just such creative freshness.”
If our site is bookmarked in your browser, please update the address to our new domain: .
About the Author
Chris Meehan is a freelance writer and commissioned pastor at Coit Community Church in Grand Rapids, Mich.