In the era of #MeToo, calls to the CRC’s Safe Church ministry office are getting increasingly frequent.
Stories from people, congregations and ministries of the CRCNA, reported by The Banner's news editor and a team of regular correspondents and Church Worldwide news from the Religion 㽶Ƶ Service. Send news tips to
Eight members of Korean Church of Orange County spent 10 days in short-term mission in India.
Kraker was a big man with a big laugh, a wonderful sense of humor, and a love for adventure. He died April 9.
The departments of nursing, social work, philosophy, and chaplaincy/theology collaborated on the conference held April 16.
The homebase for Hesed Community Church is just that—a home in a neglected neighborhood of Detroit.
An article about a full moon ceremony has been removed from Do Justice blog.
Near Seattle and Tacoma, Wash., a Korean ministry-sponsored retreat helped pastors discover Christian authors to explore in weekly book clubs.
“My dad was an ordinary boy from an ordinary family from an ordinary neighborhood in an ordinary town called Muskegon,” said one of Howard Vanderwell’s sons at his memorial service.
Members of Hope in Christ Church, a Christian Reformed congregation in Bellingham, Wash., have been gathering on a monthly basis to work through nine arts of spiritual conversation.
The Banner; the Annual Ministry Report for the Christian Reformed Church; and Breaking Barriers have all been recognized in the 2018 “Best of the Church Press” awards.
Christian Reformed campus chaplain Brian Bork worked with colleagues to introduce quiet worship—in the tradition originated in France—on the campus of the University of Waterloo.
Boer will be remembered for his kindness and understanding, for his unique sense of humor,
Weekly learning forums on everything from scuba diving to opioid addiction and a Muslim’s experience in Canada have become an April tradition for First Christian Reformed Church in Sarnia, Ont.
John Timmer came from a family that for generations had faithfully sown the seeds of the Word of God into the hearts of the next.
The Banner received awards for editorial, poetry, art, Biblical exposition and “Just for Kids.”
Two or three times each year, Christian Reformed churches send representatives to their classis, a regional grouping of churches. Here are the highlights of classis meetings of the past few months.
Paul Vander Klay, pastor of Living Stones Christian Reformed Church in Sacramento, Calif., has been following the University of Toronto professor’s lectures and wondering how God might be using his appeal to reach a population more than wary of the church.
In September 2017, Hurricane Irma left behind destruction and displacement. When students experiencing homelessness needed lunch, South Kendall CRC stepped in to help.
For the second year, Community Christian Reformed Church conducted a creative commemoration of Christ’s death.
When the men’s basketball team at Ferris State University in Big Rapids, Mich., made school history in bringing home their division’s national championship, chaplain Mike Wissink was there.
Madison Square Christian Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, Mich., is working with Inner City Christian Federation to redevelop the 1920s-era building that was the original home of Grand Rapids Christian High School—creating both worship space and contributing to affordable housing in the community.
About a dozen members of Awake Church in Seattle, Wash., gathered to be equipped as hosts—to ensure that everyone who enters their doors feels welcome and supported.
The March 24 protest against gun violence, held in Washington, DC, included participation by some faith groups, ‘praying with their feet.’
Leaders of Classis Minnkota and denominational staff of the Christian Reformed Church all agreed that it was good to meet face to face to talk about the blog.