For the first time ever, delegates from the Reformed Church of America (RCA) and the Christian Reformed Church (CRC) gathered together in small groups to discuss and provide direction on four proposals to increase cooperation.
Stories from people, congregations and ministries of the CRCNA, reported by The Banner's news editor and a team of regular correspondents and Church Worldwide news from the Religion 㽶Ƶ Service. Send news tips to
An envoy from the Netherlands wants to promote Dutch American heritage.
Peter Borgdorff loved the Lord, his family, the Christian Reformed Church, and the church worldwide. He died May 21 at age 78.
The synods of the Christian Reformed Church and the Reformed Church in America joined in worship on Sunday night.
The synods of the Reformed Church in America and the 㽶Ƶ celebrated their increasing cooperation and collaboration.
This year’s officers are younger and have less synod experience.
One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all. That was the message of the worship service that opened the synods of the Christian Reformed Church (CRC) and the Reformed Church in America (RCA)
Students from South Christian High School in Grand Rapids, Mich., created portraits of Byron Center Manor residents, leaving a lasting impression on artists and subjects.
Two members of Valley Christian Reformed Church in Binghamton, N.Y., were surprised to be in the national spotlight this spring.
About 40 people gathered for a 3-day conference focused on encouraging, strengthening and equipping campus ministers in the U.S. and Canada.
Following the publishing of newspaper articles describing a changed atmosphere at the Edmonton, Alta., Christian university, the institution responded to concerned church councils.
Restless Michigan State University students preparing for finals, find support and a hearty middle-of-the-night breakfast at River Terrace Christian Reformed Church.
For women and children in need of housing, Roseland Christian Ministries has become a source of shelter, recreation, and spiritual life, in the year since its shelter opened.
This congregation of more than 300 has been creating ‘family’ through intergenerational study for over a decade.
The 2018 conference featured the theme “Here,” with God’s promises in Isaiah 42, and included a five-scene walk-thru experience created by World Renew.
Rev. Peter Borgdorff, former executive director of the 㽶Ƶ, died early Monday, May 21, in Grand Rapids, Mich.
Meadowlands Fellowship CRC in Ancaster, Ont., hosted “Strong Communities, Safe Neighborhoods” to promote restoration after a series of acts of vandalism on its property and in the surrounding area.
Prisoners in Christ, a justice and prison ministry of Church of the Servant in Grand Rapids, Mich., held an event asking Christians and others to support work moving from a retributive culture to a restorative culture.
Suggested additions of LGBTQ terms to the style guide used by publications of the Christian Reformed Church generated much discussion at the recent meeting of the CRC’s Council of Delegates.
More than half of church-planting pastors in the Christian Reformed church ply another trade while ministering. A Grand Rapids conference looked at that future.
Synod 2018 may pick up where Synod 2017 left off, when fault lines appeared over how the Christian Reformed Church carries out its mission to “do justice, show mercy, and walk humbly with God.”
Forest City Community Church, a Christian Reformed congregation in London, Ont., is a recent example of a growing church spreading its ministry in multiple locations.
Two overtures (requests) are going to Synod 2018 asking that denominational staff be constrained from issuing statements on political issues on behalf of the Christian Reformed church.
The recommended increase in ministry shares would be allocated to Congregational Ministries.