As the Christian Reformed Church’s Synod 2024 approaches, a prayer team—led by Jon Hoekema—is hosting expanded opportunities for people to gather and pray for delegates, decision-making, and the denomination.
Stories from people, congregations and ministries of the CRCNA, reported by The Banner's news editor and a team of regular correspondents and Church Worldwide news from the Religion 㽶Ƶ Service. Send news tips to
Sixty to 70 girls in grades three to five have participated each year in Kalamazoo (Mich.) Christian School’s parent-led program.
The Crosby-Schoyen Codex, written on papyrus in the Coptic language, contains the oldest complete version of the First Epistle of Peter. It’s up for auction this month.
Classis Southeast U.S. supports ministry efforts in its member churches with a mini-grant fund, thanks to the investment of resources from churches that came before.
The American Council of Education has launched a 13-member Commission on Faith-based Colleges and Universities.
Got something to say to synod? A lot of people (or councils or classes) have had a lot to share in the past five years
Since the mid-2000s, the nones—Americans who claim no religion—have been the fastest-growing segment of the religious landscape. But that growth might be slowing.
Four Christian Reformed Church chaplains attended a Canadian national conference for providers of spiritual care. One of them was its co-chair.
In Memoriam: Rev. David John Weemhoff
1954-2024Dave Weemhoff was a humble man with a ready smile and a caring and gentle spirit. He died May 2 at age 69.
Synod 2024 opened on May 29 with a virtual convening to elect the president, vice president, and two clerks who will serve this year.
The Christian Reformed Church’s Synod 2024 started with a reminder that God is with us as it drew delegates together in a video-based session.
In Memoriam: Rev. Scott A. DeVries
1976-2024Trained as both an engineer and a pastor, Scott DeVries had a calm demeanor and shared his strengths of patience and strategic thinking as a denominational leader.
A new from the Religious Freedom and Business Foundation indicates commitment to religious diversity has more than doubled in surveyed Fortune 500 companies since 2022.
Rehoboth (N. M.) Christian School won the New Mexico State Band Competition on April 20, coming out on top of all the 1A-3A schools in the state.
A report from the Reformed Church in America’s restructuring team has nine recommendations that aim at right-sizing, cost saving, and power sharing for the “notably smaller denomination.”
One of 10 planned Gather events is complete. The Christian Reformed Church’s Council of Delegates heard feedback, and some planned adjustments.
Meeting May 1-3 in Grand Rapids, Mich., the Christian Reformed Church’s ecclesiastical governance board processed several documents for Synod 2024, thanked members whose terms end June 30, and acknowledged together the recent loss of Rev. Scott DeVries.
Along with the rest of its weighty agenda, the Christian Reformed Church’s Synod 2024 will receive a review of the denomination’s judicial code. The Council of Delegates is forwarding it to synod for adoption.
The Christian Reformed Church’s award-winning publication will have to carry out its synodical mandate after 2027 without ministry share dollars, the Council of Delegates decided.
Founded as a Bible study correspondence course by Christian Reformed Church members in 1984, Crossroads still connects mentors with students and builds relationships.
The Baldwin (Wis.) Christian Reformed Church Dorcas Ladies Aid Society marked 100 years of continuous ministry April 30, still holding to its original purpose: "by means of the labors of its members to accomplish something for the extension of God’s Kingdom."
Two of 26 official communications directed to the Christian Reformed Church’s Synod 2024 come from a grade-12 student and a recent college grad, expressing different sentiments on sexuality and the church.
After a very short diagnosis with cancer, Rev. Scott DeVries, who became the Christian Reformed Church’s director of synodical services in 2022, died April 27. He was 47.
“Many have inquired about the current ratio of vacant churches to ministers eligible for call, and there is a growing sense that the 㽶Ƶ has a ‘pastor shortage,’