Speaking this week at the 2022 Kuyper Conference, Ruth Padilla DeBorst, was this year’s recipient of the Kuyper Prize recognizing excellence in Reformed theology and public life.
Stories from people, congregations and ministries of the CRCNA, reported by The Banner's news editor and a team of regular correspondents and Church Worldwide news from the Religion 㽶Ƶ Service. Send news tips to news@thebanner.org.
The Christian Reformed Church hasn't convened a synod, its broadest ecclesiastical assembly, since 2019. It intends to gather in just over two months. Anticipating that, delegates were invited to the first of three all-synod prayer meetings March 30.
‘Faithful to God and to his calling,’ Joseph Brinks, a pastor who loved to teach and preach, died March 8.
A beloved professor of religion and theology who used his actions to speak louder than his words, Dave Holwerda died March 10, aged 89.
‘We want people to be talking about Jesus and the gospel, and Christians having the opportunity to start conversations with people who've seen ads,’ said missiologist Ed Stetzer.
A passionate preacher devoted to the Lord, John Hofman Jr. died March 1, just a few weeks before his 93rd birthday.
A pastor, chaplain, and teacher recognized for his extraordinary energy, Donald Wisse died Feb. 27. He was 91.
A pastor and missionary with a deep and abiding love for the Lord, Bernie Dokter died Feb. 17.
In a statement posted on its website Wednesday, the board of global megachurch, Hillsong, said it had accepted the resignation of the church’s co-founder and “committed to an independent review of our governance structure and processes.”
David Zietsma, a longtime faculty member at in Ancaster, Ont., follows Robert Graham as the school’s next president, after nearly a year as its interim president.
Amanda Benckhuysen, director of the Christian Reformed Church’s Safe Church Ministry, was one of five women leaders to speak in a March 11 webinar.
After an affiliated research center announced its departure, reports show split was over Calvin upholding policies based on Christian teaching on sexuality.
Siblings Caroline Short and Simon Vanderloo tied for first place in a provincial entrepreneurs' competition staged by the British Columbia Institute of Technology Student Association.
Students from the Christian Reformed campus ministry at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ont., surveyed local churches’ experience of youth involvement over the past 40 years. A recent meeting of Classis Ontario Southwest reviewed the findings.
Stan Bultman, a patient and kind pastor and chaplain, died Jan. 8.
Reports from Christianity Today’s news editor and from an independent investigation into workplace culture show the evangelical magazine failed to hold senior leaders accountable for sexual harassment and made women employees feel unappreciated and unsafe.
U.S. Christian Leaders Ask Russian Orthodox Patriarch to Speak Out, ‘Reconsider’ Comments on Ukraine
“We ask you to prayerfully reconsider the support you have given to this war because of the horrendous human suffering it has unleashed,” reads a letter signed by more than 100 leaders including Colin P. Watson Sr., executive director of the Christian Reformed Church.
Inspired by an earlier experience of art as a discovery tool, Fanshawe College Campus Ministry in London, Ont., is using Art at Home kits to connect with students.
After collaborating with neighbors to create a seasonal rink, Mountainview Christian Reformed Church in Grimsby, Ont., received a city-funded community project grant to put up a parking lot basketball hoop.
Two or three times each year, Christian Reformed churches send representatives to their classis, a regional group of churches. Here is the report of classis meetings of the past several months.
Taking its name from a Hebrew word sometimes translated “unfailing love,” the Hesed Project invites people “to explore, discuss, and discern what this kind of embracing love means in relation to human sexuality."
The United Methodist Church has postponed the convening of its General Conference to 2024, prompting some within the church to move up plans to depart and leaving questions for the denomination’s Judicial Council.
Bruxy Cavey, pastor of the multi-site Canadian megachurch The Meeting House, was accused of sexual misconduct and put on leave in December. After an investigation the church announced his resignation March 8.
With grants of $8.5 million, U.S. nonprofit Enterprise Community Partners is helping houses of worship convert underutilized land into affordable homes and community facilities.