The Banner has a subscription to republish articles from Religion 㽶Ƶ Service. This story by Bob Smietana was published on . It has been edited for length and Banner style.
Since the mid-2000s, the fastest-growing religious group in America has been the so-called nones. The percentage of Americans who claim no religious affiliation almost doubled from 2007 (16%) to 2022 (31%), becoming a force in American culture and one of the largest segments of the religious landscape, according to Pew Research.
But the skyrocketing growth of the nones might be fading.
“They are not growing as fast as they used to,” said Ryan Burge, associate professor of political science at Southern Illinois University and author of The Nones: Where They Came From, Who They Are, and Where They Are Going.
Burge, known for his popular , told Religion 㽶Ƶ Service in an interview that the . He pointed to data from Pew, the , and the , all of which appear to show a slowdown in the percentage of Americans who claim no religion.
ʱ’s found that 28% of Americans did not identify with a religion in 2023, a slight dip from the previous year. The CES data, the latest of which was released in May, showed that from 2020 to 2023, the percentage of nones was relatively stable. In 2020, the CES found that 34% of those surveyed were nones, while in 2021 and 2023, that percentage was 36%. (In 2022, 35% of those surveyed were nones.)
“From a pure statistical standpoint, I don’t know if we can say with any certainty whether there’s a larger share of nones in the United States today than there was in 2019,” Burge wrote in a recent edition of his Substack newsletter.
Burge compared the growth of the nones to the growth curve of popular products such as the Peloton bikes or tech companies like Apple and Google. Those brands grew rapidly at first but could not keep up that rapid growth forever.
“They became mature businesses,” said Burge. “That’s what the nones are—they’re not going to grow at this unbelievable pace going forward.”
Burge also suspects that most of the Americans who were eager or ready to give up on identifying with a religion have already done so. Any future growth, he said, will likely come from generational replacement—as older, more religious Americans die off and younger, less religious Americans take their place.
Greg Smith, associate director of research at Pew Research Center, said it’s too early to tell what exactly is happening with the nones. There have been some signs in recent years that the percentage of nones is stabilizing, he said, but that may be due to the normal fluctuations in survey responses from year to year.
In 2022, he said, the percentage of nones jumped to 31%, then dropped back down to 28%. He added that in 2016, the growth of the nones appeared to pause and then started to grow again.
“As we looked at the data, the conclusion we’ve come to, even (if) it is kind of wishy-washy, is that it’s way too early to tell if the rise of the religious nones has come to an end,” he said.
Conrad Hackett, a senior demographer and associate director of research at Pew, said there are signs that “something interesting” is happening with nones right now but more data is needed.
Hackett said the conditions that fueled the rise of the nones are still in place. Younger Americans are less religious than older Americans, many Americans still switch their religious faith, and being nonreligious has become “stickier,” said Hackett—so that people who are born without a religious identity are more likely to stay nonreligious. Nonreligious people in the U.S. also tend to be younger than religious people.
Hackett is the co-author of a that projected what religion in America could look like in the next 50 years. That report looked at the birth and mortality rates as well as rates of switching religious identities and projected a long, slow growth in the nones for the foreseeable future. Researchers projected that by 2070, the nones would make up between 41% and 52% of Americans.
Christians, according to ʱ’s projections, would make up , with non-Christian religious people making up about 12% of the population.
Complicating matters is that Pew, like other organizations that survey religion in America, has moved to a probability-based online model for surveys—rather than mostly phone interviews. The General Social Survey, a well-respected and long-running survey, switched from in-person interviews to a hybrid phone and online model during COVID—making it harder to compare its most recent data with past versions.
The CES data has consistently found higher percentages of nones than the GSS and Pew. But Burge said all three sources appear to show that something has changed with the growth of the nones.
Burge doesn’t see a religious revival in the slowing growth of the nones. Instead, Burge said, the U.S. will likely end up in the future with large numbers of religious people and nonreligious people, with neither group having a sizable majority.
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Religion 㽶Ƶ Service is an independent, nonprofit and award-winning source of global news on religion, spirituality, culture and ethics.